Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities &c. on Two Joint Lives. - 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Sixty-Eight Years. 
Ages. | D. N. I Ages. D. N. 
0& 68) 2172869. 8895763.2 | 14 & 82 167744.83 | 522214.49 
1.. 69 1476324.1 | 7419439.1 15.. 83 134786.87 387427 .62 
2.. 70] 1133223.1 6286216.0 16.. 84 104979.82 282447.80 
3... 71] 957862.4  5328353.6 17.. 85 80215.86 202231.94 
4.. 721 822630.7 4505722.92 | 18.. 86 60050.57 142181.37 
See 73] 716481.16 3789241.76 ' 19.. 87' 44096.50 98084.870 
6.. 74' 620684.69 3168557.07 20.. 88 31600.136 66484.734 
7.. 75 537056.34 2631500.73 21.. 89 22595.875 43888.859 
8.. 76) 462528.47 2168972.26 1 22.. 90  16035.139 27853.720 
9., 77" 397330.93 1771441.33 23.. 91 11333.733 16519.987 
10.. 78, 340611.12 1430830.21 | 24,. 92 7648.618 8871.369 0 
11.. 79] 290648.82 1140181.39 ' 25.. 93 4873.769 3997 .6003 
12.. 80 245631.42 894549.97 * 26.. 94 2619.7085 1377.8918 
13.. 811 204590.65 689959.32 § 27.. 95.  1112.3068 265.5850 
Difference of Age Sixty-Nine Years. 
Ages. D. N. I Ages. D. N. 
0& 69, 1988344. 7831708.4 14 & 83 136029.60 391808.45 
1.. 70 1345926.1 6485782.3 15.. 84 105956.94 285851.51 
2.. 711 1028773.3 5457009.0 16.. 85 81015.00 204836.51 
3.. 72 865383.0 4591626.05 | 17.. 86 60712.48 144124.03 
4.. 73] 739068.25 3852557.80 18.. 87 44630.86 99493.176 
5.. 74 639515.03 3213042.77 , 19.. 88 32012.686 67480.490 
6.. 75] 549746.27 2663296.50 § 20.. 89 22917.397 44563.093 
7.. 76 471277.93 2192018.57 | 21.. 90 16276.390 28286.703 
8.. 77. 403076.26 1788942.31 | 22.. 91 11506.854 16779.849 
9.. 78 344212.30 1444730.01 23.. 92 7767.261 9012.588 
10.. 79 293336.66 1151393.35 24.. 93 4950.562 4062.0264 
11.. 80° 247835.19 903558.16 25.. 94 2661.6463 1400.3801 
12.. 81 206442.81 697115.35 26... 95 1130.4029 269.9772 u 
13:. 82 169277.30 527838.05 
Difference of Age Seventy Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& 70 1812721. 6855955.3 13 & 83: 137272.34 395987.58 
1.0 71 1221871.3 5634084.0 14.. 84 106933.66 289053.92 
2.. 72, 929447.6 4704636.41 | 15.. 85 81768.91 207285.01 
ee 73] 777477.79 3927158.62 ° 16.. 86] 61317.33 145967.68 
4.. 74] 659675.77 3267482.85 17.. 87 45122.80 100844.878 
5.. 75 566424.48 2701058.37 } 18.. 88  32400.607 68444.271 
6.. 76| 482413.61 2218644.76 . 19.. 89, 23216.591 45227.680 
7.. 77 410701.09 1807943.67 | 20.. 90, 16507.991 28719.689 
8.. 78 349013.86 1458929.81 | 21.. 9] 11679.977 17039.712 
9.. 79 296438.03 1162491.78 | 22.. 92 7885.906 9153.806 
10.. 80 250127.10 912364.68 23.. 93 5027.354 4126.4524 
11.. 81 208294.98 704069.70 24.. 94  2703.5840 1422.8684 
12.. 82. 170809.78 533259.92 | 25.. 95 1148.4990 274.3694

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