Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Seventy-Four Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. B. N. 
0 & 74, 1192246.7 3762455.86 § 11 & 85 €4784.54 215954.24 
1.. 75] 784056.93 2978408.93 § 12.. 86 63599.75 152351.49 
9.. 76] 579294.04 2399114.89 % 13.. 8&7 46844, 59 105509 901 
S.. 77] 470035.14 1929078.75 | 14,. 88 33699.833 71810.068 
4.. 78 386886.20 1542192.55 | 15.. 8&9 24216.884 47543.184 
5.. 79 323006.31 1219186.24 ! 16.. 50 17283.210 30309 .974 
6.. 80! ¢67316.45 951869.79 17.. 91 12280.135 18029.839 
7.. 81 219482.09 732387.70 18.. 92  8324.099 9705.740 
8.. 82 178226.97 554160.73 19.. 93 5323.261 4382.4792 
9.. 83 142541.53 411619.20 20.. 94 2869.6573 1512.8219 
10.. 84 110880.42 300738.78 ! 21.. 95 1220.8834 291.9385 
Difference of Age Seventy-Five Years. - 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 & 75) 1055984.1 3174863.82 J 11 & 86 64170.35 153808.39 te 
I 76) 688026.02 2486837.80 § 12.. 87, 47268.68 106539.713 » 
2.. 771 504833.09 1982004.71 § 13.. 88! 34007.706 72532.007 
3.. 78. 406992.77 1575011.94 | 14.. 89 24440.163 48091 .844 
d.. 79 3833189.09 1241822.85 | 15.. 90 17444.044 30647 .800 
5.. 80 275426.30 966396.55 16... 91 12402.474 18245.326 
6.. 81| 224668.16 741728.39 17... 92 8415.851 9829.475 
7.. 821 181598.41 560129.98 | 18.. 93  5387.767 4441.7079 
8.. 83. 144529.91 415600.07 | 19.. 94 2907.1215 1534.5%64 
9.. 84 112052.72 303547.35 1 20.. 95 1238.2556 296.3308 
10.. 85 85568.61 217978.74 
Difference of Age Seventy-Six Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& 76 926647.7 2656054.63 + 10 & 86 64763.78 1565238.71 
1.. 77, 599588.93 9056465.70 11.. 87 47692.76 107545.954 
2.. 78; 437122.60 1619343.10 12.. 88 34315.550 73230.374 
3.. 79, 350505.01 1268838.09 13.. 89 24663.443 48566.931 
4.. 80 284109.12 984728.97 14.. 90 17604.878 30962.053 
5.. 81 231484.14 753244.83 1 15.. 91 12517.889 18444.164 
6.. 82 185889.34 567355.49 { 16.. 92 8499.693 9944.471 
7.. 83 147263.91 420091.58 ¥ 17.. 93 5447.153 4497.3180 
8.. 84 113615.79 306475.79 18.. 94 2942.3493 1554.9687 
9.. 85 86473.30 920002.49 ! 19.. 95 1254.4214 300.5473

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