Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Northampton 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Eighty-One Years. 
Ages. D. N Ages. D. N. 
ei aston Loin. 11]g 58 aol ns0sy, 200 RRNn0E78. 017 
1.. 82! 265118.35 646781.76 9.. 90 18447.648 32427.369 
2.. 83 181016.55 465765.21 10.. 911 13099.579 19327.790 
3.. 84 132489.89 333275.32 11..92 8895.175 10432.615 
4,, 8 97193.88 236081.44 12..-93 5706.201 4726.4145 
5.. 861 71314.33 164767.11 13.. 94 3088.2926 1638.1219 
6.. 87] 51441.69 113325.420 § 14.. 95 1320.5325 317.5894 
7.. 88 36483.009 76842.411 
Difference of Age Eighty-Two Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& 82| 357066.9 701351.89 7 & 89 26458.609 51447 .255 
1.. 83| 214992.89 486359.00 8.. 90 18704.982 392742.273 
9.. 84| 142298.16 344060.84 9.. 91 13238.077 19504.196 
3.. 85] 102245.07 241815.77 10... 92 8977.435 10526 .761 
4.. 86! 73562.52 168253.25 | 11.. 93 5757 .396 4769.3651 
5. 87) 53002.33 115250.919 ! 12.. 94 3116.2510 1653.1141 
6.. 88° 37345.055 77905.864 13.. 95 1332.5966 320.5175 
Difference of Age Eighty-Three Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0& 83| 289556.9 528618.95 7 & 90 19058.816 33118.048 
1.. 84' 169007.16 359611.79 8.. 91 13422.741 19695.307 
Des 85) 109814.30 249797 .49 9.. 92 9072.352 10622.955 
3.. 86. 77385.58 172411.91 10.. 93 5810.639 4812.3159 
4.. 87 54673.23 117738.685 t 11.. 94 3144.2095 1668.1064 
5.. 88 38478.030  79260.655 ' 12.. 95  1344.6607 323.4457 
6.. 89 27083.791  52176.864 
Difference of Age Eighty-Four Years. 
- SE 
Ages. D. N. } Ages. D. N. 
0& 84 227622.3 391764.92 6 & 90 119509.151 33604.016 
1.. 85] 130426.17 261338.75 7.. 91 13676.653 19927.363 
2.. &6. 83114.47 178224.28 8.. 92 9198.906 10728.457 
3.. 87. 57514.61 120709.677 9.. 93 5872.073 4856.3847 
4.. 83 39691.051 81018.626 10.. 94 3173.2862 163.0985 
5.. 89 27905.459 53113.167 1l.. 95 1356.7247 326.3738

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