Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

ewe £10 Assurances on Two Joint Lives. 
- Showing the Premium required for securing a Sum payable on the Extinction of 
the First of Two Assigned Lives, according to the N orthampton Table, at 3 per 
Payments. = 
al Age. 
. 4 Annual |, Single Annual Annual Single Annual 
3 Premium Premium | Premium =z Premium | Premium | Premium 
3 per Cent. for £], for £1. 1% | =, per Cent. for £1, for £1, 
: : = 
a £X%. d RE. 3. d 
414) 3 3. 52030 03159 |e7|1y 316 7 .56800 .03830 
: 2200 4. 0 499.5796] .04015 
15 10] 3 | 51177 .03053 27 4 310 .59008 .04193 
150 3 « 0.52731 ,03249 
28/13° 3 13 11 .95925  .036Y¢G 
: 16(11 3 2 8 «51831 .03134 18 318 4 ,57353 .03917 
16} SiH 11 .93458  .03345 238 4 110) .58407 . 04090 
28 e506 .59470  .04274 
i 17112003 4 5% .52499  ,03219 
I a 17] 3 810 - .54162 .03442 29114 315 8 .56496 03782 
19 4: 0F 1 .07881 .04003 
1 18/13] 3 6 1 033147 .03304 24 4 3 4 58861 04167 
i 18) 310 8 .54807 03532 29) 4 7 2.59940 .04358 
1914 3.7 9.537750. 03358 3010! 3 13 9 .55874 . 03688 
b 8 19f 312 4 .55389 .03616 150 317 6 1.57083 .03874 
J0MEd 1 '9 .28390 04087 
20(10! 8 5 7 .52959 03279 25, 4 411 .59322 .04248 
15) 3 9's .54389 .03473 30] 4 811 .60419 04446 
20] 3 13 11 .05922  .03695 
31 11 315 5 .56412 .03770 
2111 3 6 11! .53475 .03348 16, 319 5 .,57689 .05971 
16 311 2 .54980 .03557 211 4 3 5 ,58871 04169 
2li 315 4 .56385 .03765 26] 4 6 7 .59792 .04331 
31] 410 9 .60905 .04537 
22/12" 3 8 4 «53994 .03418 
it 17] 312 9 .55538 .03638 32 12] 317 2 .56980 .03858 
22] 316 7 .56805 .03830 1704 1 508 .58280 04670 
| 22 4 5 6 '.59338 04250 
23(13] 3 9 10 «54528 .03493 271 4 8 4 .60269 .04418 
18, 314 4 .56072 .03718 32 412 8 .61401 04633 
23] 318 0 .57232 .03898 
33[13 319 0 .57564 .63951 
2414" 3 11 5 «55077  .03571 18 4 3 4 .58869 .04169 
19, 315 11 ' .56579 .03795 23, 4 6 8 .,59812 .04335 
24] 319 4.57666 .03967 |28 410 2 ,60755 .04509 
| [83] 414 8 .61905 .04733 
19 25/10 3 9 2 «54319  .03463 
SEs 15 3131 .95642  ,03654 {34/14 4 {1 «58165 .04050 
1 200 317 5 57065 ,03871 1994: i500 .59427  .04266 
g 250 4 010 1 .58106 .04040 24 4. .60295 .04423 
291 4 12 61250 .04604 
26/11 310 9 54830 .03536 H 416 3 ,62420 .04838 
16 3 14 10 .06224  ,03741 
B 318 11 .57521 .03944 35/10 3 19 =: .57693 .03972 
i 6] 4 2 4 58553 041154 [15 4 3 °  .58783 .04154 
ZO 7 .99968  .04363 
271120 312 3 55370 03614 
IS = ——. 

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