Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Survivorship Assurances. 
of 4, povided : i 
¥ hy Showing the Premium required to secure a Sum payable on the death of A, provided 
he dies before B, according to the Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent, 
: Ageof Annual Single Annual id | Annual Single Annual 
§ — Premium ' Premium Premium —— Premium Premium Premium 
A. [B.. per Cent. for £]. for £1. lA. B per Cent. for £1. for £1. 
sol pm i 
0g Ee. 5. 4 £ sd. 
86 38/13" 2 18 1 .40369 .02903 |41|11] 3 3 8 .43208 .03182 
Le R33 18) 217 4 .38689 02865 16] 3 211 .41589 .03144 
UC 23] 216 6 .37354 .02826 21} 3 2 199.40079) .03105 
3 28 215 7 .35953 .,02779 26] 3 1 3 ,38794 .03062 
dp 33! 214 5, .34279 02722 31f 3 0 2 .37248 .03008 
408 38) 213 1 .32291 .02656 36] 2 18 10 , .35383 .02943 
a 43" 211 7 .30022 .02580 | [41] 217 4 .33157 02867 
Hd 48° 210 01 .27529 .02499 | (46! 215 7. .30680 .02781 
J180 53 2 8 4 24867 .02415 51 213 9 .,27908 .02688 
ai 58 2 6 7  .22066 .02328 56° 2 11 10 .25018 .02591 
430 63 2 4 9! .19077 .02238 61 2 910 ,21912 .0249]1 
if: 6 2 210 .15864 .02143 66 2 v ,18560 ,02387 
os [2 011 ,12615 .02045 71 2 15047  ,02278 
i 78, 118 10 ,09708 .01943 76] 2 .11742  .02167 
- 183] 116 6 .06896 .01824 81] 2 011 ,08619 .02044 
4 39 14] 219 7.40777 .02979 §42|12 3 5 4 .43676 .03268 
19' 21810 .39113 .02942 17, 3 4 7 .41998 .03230 
24 218 0 .37823 .02901 221 3 310 ,40600 .03191 
} log 217 1.36378 02852 271 3 211 .39276 | .03146 
. 34" 21510 .34643 .02793 32] 3 110 .37678 .03090 
~ 39 214 6 .,32578 .02723t [37] 3 0 5 .35741 .03029 
44' 2 12 11 ,30243 .02644 42' 218 10 .33444 .02942 
- 49 211 2 ,27649 .02559 47, 217 0 .30875 .02851 
en 54) 2 9 5 24923 .02471 52; 215 1 .,28030 .02754 
o> 59) 2 7 7.22024 1.02380 | I57' 213 1 .25033 .02652 
a 64' 2 5 8 ,1892 .02985 | 1621 21011 21817 02547 
. 69 2 3 9 .15604 .02186: 167 2 8 9 .18330 .02437 
74° 2 1 8 .12309 .02083 72 2 6 6 .14729 .02323 
i" '79i 119 6 ,09351 .01975 C177) 2 4 1 (11435 .02206 
Ly 84] 117 1 .06690 .01855 82 2 1 6 ,08244 .02075 
£2830 40[100 3 111 .42717 .03097 l43 13] 3 7 2 44131 .03357 
2793 15 3 1 2.41189 .03060 § |18' 3 6 5 .42433 03319 
fed 20 3 0 5 .39579 .03022 23 3 5 7 41121 .03279 
Far 25 219 7 ,38310 .02980 28 3 4 8 .39756 .03232 
5 1 30 218 7 .36815 .02929 33 3 3 6 .38101  .03173 
3 3 217 4 .35016 .02867 38 3 2 1 .36090 .03102 
g 40 2 15 11  .32868 .02794 ' [43 3 0 4 .33726 .03018 
ip WE 214 3.30470 .02712 48 218 6 .31050 .02923 
a La 212 6 27777 .02623% 53 216 5 .28132  .02820 
¢ 155 210 7 .24981 .02531 58! 2 14 3.25023 .02713 
pn P 0 2 8 8 .21980 .02435 43 212 1 .21682 .02602 
#8 “2 8 9 ,18758 .02336 68 2 9 9 18065 .02486 
2 8 .15338 .02232 ‘72 2 7 4.1438 .02368 
| Z 6.12021 .02125 178 2 410 .11078 .02241 
i80' 2 0 3 ,08986 .02011 183 2 2 1 .07882 .02102 
25 2

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