32} Number Showing the Value of £100 Policy on a Single Life, at the end of any Number of
nding ty fhe Years (not exceeding 48) from the date of the Insurance, according to the
Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent,
4 Youre, 20 hes nl 25 Years. 26 Years. 27 Years. 28 Years. 29 Years. 30 Years.
2.91% 14 ~~ 22.9858 24.0751 25.1675 26.2618 27.337] 28.4735
2.18% 15° 23.2846 24.3883 25.4941 926.6007 27.7287 28.8787
12.4517 16 23.5674 24.6852 25.8039 926.9441 28.1066 29.2919
3.7453 17° 23.8750 25.0057 26.1582 27.3333 98.5313 29.7532
13.0043 18 ' 24.2366 25.4009 26.5880 27.7983 29.0327 30.2919
23,5005 19° 24.6772 25.8757 27.0978 28.3442 29.6155 30.9127
2.9780 200 25.1876 26.4211 27.6790 28.9622 30.9714 31.5834
1.5434 21 + 25.7875 27.0563 28.3505 29.6709 30.9943 32.2945
5.1739 22 26.4532 27.7581 29.0895 30.4237 31.7347 33.0426
15.088 23 27.1448 928.4874 29.8330 31.1551 32.4742 33.8128
8.500 24 27.8637 29.2210 30.5507 31.8852 33.2355 34.6055
7.40 25 28.5865 29.9321 31.2745 32.6369 34.0192 35.4213
1.98 26 29.2863 30.6411 32.0160 33.4111 34.8261 36.2608
8.4158 27. 29.9835 31.3715 32.7797 34.2081 35.6565 37.1244
29,304 28 30.7019 32.1239 33.5663 35.0287 36.5110 38.0127
0.0058 29 31.4421 32.8989 34.3761 35.8733 37.3901 38.9258
0. 30 32.2047 33.6972 35.2098 36.7423 38.2939 39.8640
81 31 32.9903 34.5191 36.0079 37.6361 39.2998 40,5272
5 32 33.7993 35.3651 36.9705 38.5547 40.1767 41.8152
06 33 34.6322 36.2356 37.6580 39.4984 4].1554 42,8592
1.5671 34 35.4892 37.1306 38.7902 40.4666 42.1904 43.9316
37004 35 36.3707 38.0503 39.7470 41.4915 43.9538 45.0655
yo 36 37.2764 38.9942 40.7606 42.5449 44.3702 46.2320
il 37 38.2061 39.9953 41.8027 43.6607 45.5374 47.4303
pp 38 39.1932 41.0246 42.9075 44.8093 46.7275 48.6590
rr 39 40.2082 42.1171 44.0452 45.9900 47.9483 49.9158
ot 40 41.2866 43.2423 45.2151 47.2014 49.1972 51.1967
oo 41 42.4138 44.4153 46.4307 48.4456 50.4843 52.5003
Hp 42 43.5904 45.6357 47.6906 49.7494 51.8045 53.8456
po 43 44.8160 46.9019 48.9918 51.0778 53.1497 55.1934
a 44 46.0732 48.1956 50.3142 52.4184 54.494] 56.5217
8.54 45 47.3580 49.5108 51,6491 53.7583 55.8156 57.8023
Hla 46 48.6643 50.8385 52,9831 55.0780 57.0949 58.9929
Flu sae 47 49.9334 52.1653 54.2966 56.3186 58.2796 60.2054
Saale 48 51.3013 53.4711 55.5601 57.5260 59.4866 61.4895
- 49 52.5975 54.7258 56.7286 58.7260 60.7665 62.9230
0.3870 20 53.8575 55.89871 57.9345 €0.0141, 62.2121 64.4126
11.6883 bl 55.0518 57.1266 59.2462 61.4864 63.7292 65.8696
RI 52 1 56.2891 58.4501 60.7341 63.0207 65.2029 67.2910
17 53 157.6098 59.9399 62.2728 64.4992 66.6295 68.5790
al 54 59.1007 61.4824 63.7554 65.9304 67.9207 69.4395
36.7317 5 60.6462 62.9685 65.1907 67.2243 68.7760 70.2048
8.2047 26 62.1350 64.4071 66.4865 68.0732 69.5342 70.8664
19.7508 97. 63.5761 65.7040 67.3278 68.8229 70.1862 71.4733
51.3500 98 64.8732 66.5363 68.0676 69.4640 70.7523 71.9038
iI 59 65.6948 67.2646 68.6961 70.0476 71.1973 72.7534
17,9809 60 66.4100 67.8788 69.2656 70.4454 72.042] 74.0684
(100 61 67.0079 68.4328 69.6440 71.2841 73.3653 76.1644
09] 62 67.5434 68.7893 70.4755 72.6153 75.4933 78.5384
~ i a