Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Showing the Value of £100 Policy on a Single Life, at the end of any Number of 
Years (not exceeding 48) from the date of the Insurance, according to the 
Northampton Table, at 3 per Cent. 
i I 
Ae 37 Years. 38 Years. 39 Years. 40 Years. | 41 Years. 42 Years, 
2 0s EE Tal TT ree 
PH 14 | 36.8421 38.0521 . 39.2802 40.5261 | 41.7899 43.0714 
Bi 15 387.4071 38.6479 39.9069 41.1838 | 42.4786 43.7909 
alg 16 | 37.9819 39.2545 | 40.5453 41.8542 | 43.1807 44.5246 
HE [7 138.6011 389.9057 41.2287 42.5695 | 43.9279 45-3033 
pa 8 39.2804 40.6259 41,9805 43.3528 44.7423 46.1482 
a: [9 40.0499 41.4176 ' 42.8032 44.2062 45.6258 47.0611 
14 20 40.8738 42.2723 43.6883 45.1210 46.5697 48.0330 
4.3546 21 41.7752 43.2033 44.6485 46.1096 47.5855 49.1032 
1.143 22 42.7338 44.1908 45.6641 47.1522 48.6824 50.228] 
0.24 23 43.7170 45.2027 46.7035 48.2467 49.8055 51.4080 
45 24 44.7248 46.9386 47.7953 49.3677 50.9842 52.6169 
La 25 45.7567 47.3273 48.9138 50.5447 52.1921 53.8538 
4.587 26 46.8418 48.4429 50.0889 51.7514 53.4284 55.1170 
8.3307 27 47.9541 49.6157 51.2940 52.9869 54.6914 56.4041 
2.48 28 49.1214 50.8188 52.5282 54.2494 55.9787 57.7113 
4611 29 50.3248 52.0513 53.7898 55.5366 57.2866 59.0334 
4.319 80 | 51.5553 53.3118 55.0765 56.8446 58.6095 60.3624 
i188 31 52.8140 54.5976 56.3845 58.1682 59.9398 61.6874 
2.2983 82 54.0985 55.9051 57.7084 59.4995 61.2662 62.992] 
5 33 55.4051 57.2288 59.0402 60.8270 62.5724 64.2528 
4.5891 34 56.7282 58,5608 60.3685 62.1343 63.8344 65.4343 
i061 35 58.0599 59.8894 61.6766 63.3972 65.0164 66.6313 
i7.5389 36 59.3884 61.1978 62.9400 64.5794 66.2144 67.8847 
9.8637 37 60.6966 62.4612 64.1218 65.7779 67.4698 69.2580 
iz 38 61.9594 63.6422 65.3204 67.0349 68.8470 70.6612 
iW 39 63.1388 64.8403 66.5785 68.4157 70.2550 72.0103 
12.5099 40 64.3359 66.0990 67.9625 69.8282 71.6087 73.3124 
1.8053 41 65.6041 67.4949 69.3878 71.1943 72.9228 74.5047 
5.0087 42 67.0124 68.9335 70.7668 72.5210 74.1263 75.3513 
i535) 43 68.4651 70-3260 72.1067 73.7362 74.9797 76.1246 
2.979 44 69.8629 71.6713 73.3263 74.5892 75.7519 76.8123 
3.3756 45 + 71.2182 72.8950 74.1783 75.3599 76.4374 77.4546 
0.707 46 72.4406 73.7454 74.9468 76.0424 77.0767 77.9566 
11.9612 47 73.2887 74.5110 75.6257 76.6779 77.5732 78.7848 
17 4089 48 74.0506 75.1854 76.2567 77.1681 78.4016 79.9670 
5634 49 74.7195 75.8109 76.7394 77.9961 79.5909 81.7358 
L347 50 75.3470 76.2934 77.5742  79:1995 81.3855 83.6985 
1 3 51 | 75.8381 77.1435 78.8000 81.0280 83.3854 86.0503 
15.366) 52 176.6970 78.3859 80.6574 83.0609 85.7778 88.1191 
15, 257 53 | 77.9488 80.2662 82.7183  &5.4902 87.8788 90.1947 
” 186 54 79.8528 82.3562 85.1862 87.6248  §9.9893 91.9445 
Lo 55 81.9732 84.8646 87.3562 89.7719 91.7696 
i 56 84.5239 87.0715 89.5417 91.5843 
Lb 57 86.7697 89.2975 91.3878 
. 58 89.0382 91.1792 
59 90.9574

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