Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
» Difference of Age One Year. 
fale —_— a 
“Xoeetution, Cuitai 
a, n Number of Living. Sum of Living at Rt ia 
Uaioe Ages. br: Ly Decrement. Higher Ages. Non, we 
on Dy, my dink by ~—bnA14 my 1 Nn, my iD. my 
Ide = = - — — 
2.3 0&1 84616000 18791881 1981037423 23.41 
AZ 1... 2 65818119 9233673 1915219304 29.10 
11.60 2.. 3 56584446 5680994 1858634858 32.85 
1.0 3.. 4 50903452 3338046 1807731406 35.51 
- 453-5 47565406 2188634 1760166000 37.01 
: 5+: OB 45376772 1355228 1714789228 37.79 
Ges 7 14021544 923160 1670767684 37.95 
7.. 8 43098384 660136 1627669300 37.77 
8 See’ 42438248 493468 1585231052 37.35 
9.210 41944780 400520 1543286272 36.79 
10,.11 41544260 385860 1501742012 36.15 
11..12 41158400 403200 1460583612 35.49 
12,.13 40755200 413920 1419828412 34.84 
19 13..14 40341280 430780 1379487132 34.20 
14..15 39910500 466200 1339576632 33.56 
15..16 39444300 507141 1300132332 32.96 
16..17 38937159 528615 1261195173 32.39 
17..18 38408544 531136 1222786629 31.84 
18..19 37877408 527438 1184909221 31.28 
19..20 37349970 523740 1147559251 30.72 
20..21 36826230 513995 1110733021 30.16 
21..22 36312235 504420 1074420786 29.59 
22..23 35807815 500892 1038612971 29.01 
23..24 35306923 497364 1003306048 28.42 
24..25 34809559 499715 968496489 27.82 
254.26 34309844 501896 934186645 27.23 
26..27 33807948 509784 900378697 26.63 
74:23 33298164 546060 867080533 26.04 
28..29 32752104 603988 834328429 25.47 
29..30 32148116 637546 802180313 24.95 
30. .31 31510570 636690 770669743 24.46 
3L..32 30873880 624664 739795863 23.95 
32.33 30249216 607392 709546647 23.46 
33. .34 29641824 595870 679904323 22.94 
34. .35 29045954 589820 650858869 22.41 
35..36 28456134 589077 622402735 21.87 
36... 37 27867057 593363 594535678 21.34 
37..38 27273694 597310 567261984 20.79 
38,.39 26676384 611184 540585600 20.26 
! 39..40 26065200 644525 514520400 19.74 
40..41 25420675 676215 489099725 19.24 
d1..42 24744460 691600 464355265 18.77 
4%. .43 24052860 691398 440302405 18.31 
43..44 23361462 681316 416940943 17.85 
44. .45 22680146 666507 394260797 17.38 
45..46 22013639 647323 372247158 16.91 
46..47 21366316 623968 350880842 16.42 
47..48 20742348 587730 330138494 15.92 
48. .49 20154618 552792 309983876 15.38 
49,.50 19601826 527640 290382050 14.81 
50. .5]1 19074186 524898 271307864 14.22 
51..52 18549288 543052 252758576 13.63 
, pW 

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