Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age One Year. 
_ —" Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living at Expectation, 
Ages. bt Vy Decrement. Higher Ages. Nom, m, 
Din, ml Im. ny —ln1-d 1 N.., my Di, my 
52 & 53 18006236 560063 234752340 13.04 
53... 54 17446173 571734 217306167 12.46 
51..°50 16874439 582439 200431728 11.88 
55... 00 16292000 596000 184139728 11.30 
56.0 97 15656000 619992 168443728 10.73 
57.4 58 15076008 672350 153367720 10.17 
58.. 59 14403658 74605] 138964062 9.65 
59.» 60 13657607 830604 125306455 9,17 
60... 61 12827003 873208 112479452 8.77 
6l.. 62 11953795 858935 100525657 8.41 
62.163 11094850 823536 89430797 8.06 
63.. 64 10271324 785750 79159473 7.71 
64.. 65 9485574 751482 69673899 7.35 
65.. 66 8734092 714818 60939807 6.98 
66... 67 8019274 681666 52920533 6.60 
67.. 68 7337608 651408 455582925 6.21 
68.. 69 6686200 623675 38896725 5.82 
69..°70 6062525 595448 32834200 5.42 
70.71 5467077 587466 27367123 5.01 
71.72 4879611 600040 22487512 4,61 
72. 73 4279571 603094 18207941 4.25 
73. 74 3676477 592802 14531464 3.93 
74... 75 3083675 546050 11447789 3.71 
7345278 2537625 478740 8910164 3.51 
76., 77 2058885 410418 6851279 3.33 
77s 78 1648467 337214 5202812 3.16 
78.+:'79 131123 281060 3891559 2.97 
79.. 80 1030193 232532 2861366 2.78 
80.. 81 797661 190836 2063705 2.59 
81.. 82 606825 155150 1456880 2.40 
82.. 83 451675 122108 1005205 2.23 
83.. 84 329567 94162 675638 2.05 
84.. 85 235105 72090 440233 1.87 
85.. 86 163315 54683 276918 1.70 
86., 87 108632 39960 168286 1.55 
87.. 88 68672 26680 99614 1.45 
88.. 89 41992 16290 57622 Te 37 
89.. 90 25702 10792 31920 1.24 
90.. 91 14910 7035 17010 1.14 
91., 92 7875 3825 9135 1.16 
092...93 4050 1890 5085 1.26 
93.. 94 2160 960 2925 1.35 
94.. 95 1200 510 1725 1.44 
95.. 96 690 276 1035 1.50 
96... 97 414 162 621 1.50 
97.. 98 252 98 369 1.61 
98.. 99 154 55 215 1.40 
99..100 99 36 116 1.17 
100..101 63 28 53 .84 
101. .102 35 20 18 .43 
102..103 1a 12 3 «20 
103..104 +

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