Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

, 94 
Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Nineteen Years. 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
Ages. Zi ibs Decrement. at Higher Ages. Nom, mi 
DD, my Lis Im =m . Imp 41 No, my Di, mj 
14 & 63 15679864 822903 166160710 10.60 
45.. 64 14856961 802135 151303749 10.18 
46.. 65 14054826 777154 137248923 9.77 
47.. 66 13277672 749981 123971251 9.34 
48... 67 12527691 722907 111443560 8.90 
49.. 68 11804784 702359 99638776 8.44 
50.. 69 11102425 686887 88536351 7.97 
51..:70 10415538 679086 78120813 7.50 
52.71 9736452 712279 68384361 7.02 
53¢0 72 9024173 750602 59360188 6.58 
54...73 8273571 775178 51086617 6.17 
55...74 7498393 798393 43588224 5.81 
56...:75 6700000 755140 36888224 5.51 
57...76 5944860 723582 30943364 5.21 
58.. 77 5221278 673741 25722086 4.93 
59.. 78 4547537 609454 21174549 4.66 
60,, 79 3938083 582570 17236466 4.38 
6l.. 80 3355513 513898 13880953 4.14 
62.. 81 2841615 472315 11039338 3.89 
63., 82 2369300 411211 8670038 3.66 
64.. 83 1958089 361567 6711949 3.43 
65.. 84 1596522 308692 5115427 3.20 
66.. 85 1287830 270873 3827597 2.97 
67.. 86 1016957 233149 2810640 2.76 
68.. 87 783808 198008 2026832 2.59 
69..,:88 585800 151219 1441032 2.46 
70... 89 434581 111247 1006451 2.31 
71...90 323334 98319 683117 2.1% 
72.191 225015 75240 458102 2.04 
73.. 92 149775 50361 308327 2.06 
74..:93 99414 32414 208913 2.10 
75..:94 67000 21550 141913 2.12 
76...95 45450 14193 96463 2.12 
77..:96 31257 9423 65206 2.09 
78..:97 21834 6700 43372 1.99 
79.. 98 15134 4651 28238 1.87 
80.. 99 10483 2950 17755 1.69 
81..100 7533 2458 10222 1.36 
82..101 5075 1960 5147 1.01 
§3..102 3115 1528 2032 65 
84..103 1587 1142 445 sell 
85..104 445 445

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