Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Twenty Years. 
en Curiate 
Mm Number of Living, Sum of Living | Expectation, 
= Ages. LL Decrements at Higher Ages. Non, my 
So Dn, 2 Im. Lot — lng . bp t1 Non, my Dn, ty 
Hf PD = I eer —- i en em — —— 
oo 0 &20 60900000 9736333 1454891738 23.89 
n 1..21] 51163667 4450772 1403728071 27.44 
y 2..22 46712895 3338033 1357015176 29.05 
9 3.230 43374862 1939704 1313640314 + 30.29 
4..24 41435158 1475595 1272205156 30.70 
‘ 50.25 39959563 998427 1232245593 | 30.84 
6..26 38961136 762094 1193284457 30.63 
70027 38199042 630114 1155085415 = 30.24 
i 8..28 37568928 571814 1117516487 29.75 
co 9,,29 36997114 549794 1080519373 29.21 
El 10..30 36447320 530185 1044072053 28.65 
11..31 35917135 537935 1008154918 28.07 
12..32 35379200 533504 972775718 27.50 
~ 13. .33 0 34845696 529001 937930022 26.92 
haw 14,.34 34316695 536095 903613327 26.33 
#& 153..35 33780600 553473 869832727 25.79 
ro 16..36 33227127 571158 836605600 25,18 
17. .37 32655969 577825 803949631 24.62 
i> 18..38 32078144 579056 771871487 24.06 
§.5k 19..39 31499088 592338 740372399 23.50 
LR 20..40 30906750 617327 709465649 22.95 
in 21..41 30289423 624723 679176226 22.42 
i 22..42 29664700 630853 649511526 21.90 
5 23..43 29033847 624889 620477679 21.37 
1% 24, .44 28408958 618925 592068721 20.84 
16 05:49 27790033 611781 564278688 20.30 
oa 26. .46 27178252 599968 537100436 19.76 
it 97 ..47 08: 26578284 591576 510522152 19.21 
i 28..48 25986708 585024 484535444 18.65 
Li 29..49 25401684 593810 459133760 18,07 
2 4 30..50 24807874 580144 434325886 17.51 
Pia 31..51 | 24227730 590002 410098156 16.93 
bo 4 32..52 23637728 595136 386460428 16.35 
3 10 33..33 23042592 599961 363417836 15.77 
A 34..54 22442631 603205 340975205 15.19 
” 35.455 21839426 611426 319135779 14.61 
36..56 21228000 623076 297907779 14.03 
. 37.37 20604924 649576 277302855 13.46 
38..58 19955348 700484 257347507 12.90 
39..59 19254864 766639 238092643 12,36 
40,.60 18488225 851536 219604418 11.88 
d}..61 17636689 865389 201967729 11.45 
42..62 16771300 859408 185196429 11.04 
43. .63 15911892 831778 169284537 10.64 

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