Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Twenty Years. 
oe Curtat 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Bisel, 
Ages. 17 Decrement. at Higher Ages. Nom, my 
m. my een ents 
Dim, my Im Ln — Int Sm 41 Nw, my D,, my 
44.. 64 15080114 814028 154204423 10.23 
45.. 65 14266086 788728 139938337 9.81 
46.. 66 13477358 764010 126460979 | 9.38 
47.67 12713348 741740 113747631 8.95 
48,. 68 11971608 7156158 101776023 8.50 
49 & 69 11256450 699253 90519573 8.04 
50.. 70 10557197 679571 79962376 7.97 
5l.."74 9877626 714158 70084750 7.10 
5%.. 72 9163468 754101 60921282 6.65 
53..%73 8409367 782104 52511915 6.24 
54,.7°74 7627263 804988 44884652 5.88 
53.. 75 6822275 762275 38062377 5.58 
56... 776 6060000 727284 32002377 5.28 
57... 77" 5332716 672370 26669661 5.00 
58.. 78 | 4660346 607677 22009315 4.72 
59.. 79 4052669 580890 17956646 4.43 
60.. 80 3471779 524702 14484867 4.17 
61..781 2947077 485702 11537790 3.92 
62..'82 2461375 425411 9076415 3.69 
63.. 83 | 2035964 373317 7040451 3.46 
64.. 84 1662647 319637 5377804 3.23 
65..285 1343010 280912 4034794 3.00 
66.. 86 1062098 241882 2972696 2.80 
67... 87 820216 205880 2152480 2.62 
68.. 88 614336 157311 1538144 2.50 
69.. 89 | 457025 116083 1081119 2.37 
70.. 90 340942 101857 740177 2.37 
71.. 9} 239085 78360 501092 2.10 
72.. 92 160725 52887 340367 2.12 
73..:93 107838 34198 232529 2.16 
74.. 94 73640 23390 158889 2.16 
75.90 50250 15405 108639 2.16 
76..7°96 34845 10383 73794 2.12 
77... 97 24462 7480 49332 2.01 
78.. 98 16982 5091 32350 1.90 
79..:99 11891 3314 20459 1.72 
80..100 8577 2718 11832 1.38 
81..101 5859 2234 6023 1.03 
82..102 3625 1756 2398 .67 
83..103 1869 1340 529 .28 
[4..104 2.29 529

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