Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives.
Difference of Age Twenty-Four Years.
ple i Curtate
A ikea Number of Living. Sum of Living at Expectation,
L Ages. Lass Decrement, Higher Ages. Now, my
a Dp, my Ins Ing — dnb Nm, my Dn, ml
" 0 &24 59210000 9467781 1337424843 22.59
48! 1423 49742219 4343975 1267682624 | 25.89
ad 2..26 45398244 3259962 1242284380 | 27.36
eh 3..27 42138282 1913778 1200146098 | 28.48
LE 4..28 40224504 1495198 1159921594 28.84
Wo 5..29 38729306 1063314 1121192288 28.95
6.30 37665992 838502 1083526296 28.77
7.431 36827490 696482 1046698806 28.42
. 8..32 36131008 601312 1010567798 27.97
do 9..33 35529696 535876 975038102 27.44
ha 10..34 34993820 510798 940044282 26.86
irs 11..35 34483022 518222 905561202 26.26
or 12..36 33964800 526432 871596460 | 25.66
( 13..37 33438368 534378 838158092 | 25.07
14..38 32903990 547190 805254102 24.47
hy 15..39 1 32356800 582225 772897302 23.89
13 16. .40 31774575 623604 741122727 23.32
13 17..41 31150971 641531 709971756 22.79
48 18, .42 30509440 647863 679462316 22.27
18 19..43 29861577 641757 649600739 21.75
Lp 20..44 | 29219820 635651 620380919 , 21.23
Lo 21..45 28584169 618884 591796750 | 20.70
Le 22..46 27965285 607041 563831465 20.16
‘n 23..47 | 27358244 589403 536473221 1 19.61
yo 24,.48 | 26768841 560259 509704380 19.04
yo 25..49 26208582 547690 483495798 18.45
26. .50 25660892 530858 457834906 17.84
: 27,451 25130034 551586 432704872 17.22
v 28,52 24578448 584170 408126424 16.61
in 29. .53 23994278 619472 384132146 16.01
A 30..54 23374806 627101 360757340 15.43
- 31..55 22747705 635705 338009635 14.86
- 32..56 22112000 639872 315897635 14.29
ob 33..57 21472128 660014 294425507 13.71
A 34..58 20812114 709976 973613393 13.15
35..59 20102138 768737 253511255 12.61
36..60 19333401 844630 934177854 12.11
37..61 18488771 855141 215689083 11.67
38..62 17633630 849182 198055453 11.23
39..63 16784448 833723 181271005 10.80
40..64 15950725 833563 165320280 10.37
41..65 15117162 820802 150203118 9.94
42..66 14296360 804361 133906758 9.51
43..67 13491999 786895 122414759 9.07