Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Twenty-Six Years. 
pe. niin — 
Sn, n . Curtat 
— Number of Living. Sum of Living Eros, 
me Ages. 1 Decrement. at Higher Ages. Now; "ny 
m. my = se———— 
J Din, my Io. Img = ltr Dmg 1 Nom, my Din, m, 
0 &26 58360000 9345427 1278081529 21.90 
1..27 49014573 4300881 1229066956 25.08 
2..28 44713692 3266440 1184353264 26.49 
3..29 41447252 1964536 1142906012 27.58 
i 4..30 39482716 1521471 1103423296 27.93 
S 5.31 37961245 1056317 1065462051 28.07 
9 6ee32 36904928 822560 1028557123 27.87 
1) 7+:33 36082368 676856 992474755 27.31 
- 8..34 35405512 590046 957069243 27.03 
‘n 9..35 34815466 532246 922253777 26.49 
10..36 34283220 514039 887970557 25.90 
1l..37 33769181 527581 854201376 25.30 
E 12..38 33241600 535552 820959776 24.70 
fu 13..39 32706048 555923 788255728 24.09 
oh 14..40 32150125 593425 756103603 23.52 
La 15..41 31556700 627360 724546903 22.96 
wil 16..42 30929340 649029 693617563 22.43 
wld 17..43 30280311 647863 663337252 21.91 
1.64 18..44 29632448 641757 633704804 . 21.39 
19..45 28990691 629561 604714113 20,86 
Hu 20..46 28361130 617494 576352983 20.32 
Ly 21..47 27743636 595031 548609347 19.77 
" 22..48 27148605 565551 521460742 19,21 
LM 23..49 26583054 548417 494877688 18.62 
24..50 26034637 531535 468843051 18.01 
4 25..51 25503102 548366 443339949 17.38 
7 26. .52 24954736 560413 418385213 16.77 
i 27..53 24394323 580359 393990890 16.15 
1.05 28..54 23813964 606010 370176926 15.54 
99 v.05 23207954 639954 346968972 14.95 
4 30..56 22568000 652460 324400972 14,37 
9 3le.57 21915540 676964 302485432 13.80 
i 32. .38 21238576 724048 281246856 | 13.24 
33+.59 20514528 780397 260732328 12-71 
34..60 19734131 854529 240998197 12,21 
35..61 18879602 862337 222118595 | 11.77 
36..62 18017265 856997 204101330 , 11.33 
37..63 17160268 835526 186941062 10,89 
38..64 16324742 824294 170616320 10.45 
39..65 15500448 813398 155115872 10,01 
40..66 14687050 807111 140428822 9.56 
41..67 13879939 798819 126548883 9.12 
42..68 13081120 786895 113467763 8.67 
43..69 12294225 774227 101173538 8.23 

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