Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age T'wenty-Seven Years. 
oi ~t Curtate 
Si Number of Living, Sum of Living Expectation. 
- Aor, i In Decrement. at Higher Ages. Np, m1 
Din, mi bn fmy Sp Impey. Im No, my Dip, my 
' 0&27 . 57930000 9296172 1248292028 21.55 
1..2838 48633828 4309086 1199658200 24.67 
2..29 | 44324742 3284834 1155333458 26.07 
3..30 41039908 1956078 1114293550 27.15 
d,.3} 39083830 1510014 1075209720 27.51 
5.32 37573816 1042744 1037635904 28.62 
6..33 36531072 811374 1001104832 27 .40 
7..54 35719698 673666 965385134 27.02 
8..35 35046032 587681 930339102 26.55 
& 9,.36 34458351 536891 895880751 26.00 
10..37 33921460 518846 861959291 25.41 
11..38 33402614 532214 828556677 24.81 
12..39 32870400 5525800 795686277 24.21 
13..40 32317600 585585 763368677 23.62 
EY 14. .41 31732015 610015 731636662 23.06 
5 15..42 31122000 637191 700514662 22.51 
; 16..43 30484809 646047 670029853 21.98 
17..44 29838762 644810 640191091 21.46 
‘ 18..45 29193952 632571 610997139 20.93 
5 19..46 28561381 620461 582435758 20.39 
8 20..47 27940920 602433 554494838 19.84 
" 21..48 27338487 568197 527156351 19.28 
22..49 26770290 550979 500386061 18.69 
23..50 26219311 534013 474166750 18.09 
is 24,.51 25685298 546694 448481452 17.46 
05.252 25138604 563208 4923342848 16.84 
26..53 24575396 574997 398767452 16.23 
27..54 24000399 588795 374767053 15.62 
98..55 23411604 619604 351355449 15.01 
v 29..56 22792000 652792 328563449 14.42 
30..57 22139208 681638 306424241 13.84 
31..38 21457570 733098 284966671 13.28 
32..59 20724472 789976 264242199 12.75 
33..60 19934496 861239 244307703 12.26 
34. .61 19073257 869267 225234446 11,81 
35..62 18203990 860714 207030456 11.37 
36..63 17343276 839383 189687180 10.94 
37.64 16503893 828401 173183287 10.49 
38..63 15675492 811908 157507795 10.05 
39..66 14863584 800759 142644211 9.60 
40..67 14062825 798993 128581386 9.14 
41..68 13263832 790332 115317554 8.69 
42, .69 12473500 783031 102844054 8.25 
43..70 11690469 765423 91153585 7.80 

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