Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Thirty-One Years— continued. 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
Anes. Ly Decrement. at Higher Ages. No, im 
. 1 pms 
Dy, my Im. Im) - Ins . Im 41 Nan, my Di, my 
59 & 90 532358 149843 1303701 9.45 
60... 91 382515 118440 921186 2.41 
61.. 92 264075 80745 657111 2.49 
62., 93. ! 183330 52610 473781 92.58 
63.. 94 130720 36430 343061 2.62 
64.. 95 94290 24876 248771 2.64 
63. 96 69414 17322 179357 2.58 
66.. 97 | 52092 13298 127265 2.44 
67.. 98 38794 9666 88471 2.28 
68.. 99 29128 6403 59343 2.04 
69..100 22725 5918 36618 1.61 
70..101 16807 5422 19811 1.18 
71..102 11385 4956 8426 .74 
72..103 6429 4432 1997 «31 
73..104 1997 1997 
Difference of Age Thirty-Two Years. 
z 53 Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living at ~~ Expectation. 
Ages. I 0, Decrement. Higher Ages. Non, m; 
Dm, ml In. my mtr edn 1 No, my Pi, my 
0 &32 55280000 8981408 1099368144 19.89 
1..33 46298592 4159749 1053069552 22.75 
2..34 42138843 3135655 1010930709 23.99 
3..33 39003188 1864802 971927521 24.92 
4,.36 37138386 1447339 934789135 25.17 
5..37 35691047 1015903 899098088 25.19 
6..38 34675144 808360 864422944 24.93 
74.39 33866784 696584 830556160 24,52 
8..40 33170200 646763 797385960 24.04 
9..41 32523437 611037 764862523 23.52 
10..42 ! 31912400 599861 732950123 92.97 
11..43 31312539 605339 701637584 22.41 
12. .44 30707200 605664 670930384 21.85 
13..45 30101536 599441 640828848 21.29 
14..46 29502095 597695 611326753 20.72 
15..47 28904400 598419 582422353 20.15 
16..48 28305981 581679 554116372 19.58 
17..49 27724302 568430 526392070 18.99 
18..50 27155872 550918 499236198 18.38 
19..51 26604954 564114 472631244 17.76

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