Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Thirty-Eight Years—continued. 
iu Curtat 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Esme. 
Ages. Li Decrement. at Higher Ages. Non, my 
Dn, my Im. my — Im my Non, my D.. my 
44 & 82 3478550 533629 14418600 4.15 
45.. 83 2944921 481368 11473679 3.90 
46.., 84 2463553 421893 9010126 3.66 
47.. 85 2041660 382453 6968466 3.41 
48.. 86 1659207 339639 5309259 3.02 
49.. 87 1319568 299464 3989691 3.02 
50.. 88 1020104 234926 2969587 2.91 
51.. 89 785178 177986 2184409 2.78 
62.. 90 | 607192 165037 1577217 2.60 
53.. 91 442155 131430 1135062 2.57 
54,. 92 310725 90783 824337 2.65 
55.. 93 219942 59942 604395 2.75 
56.. 94 160000 42280 444395 2.78 
57.. 95 117720 29354 326675 2.78 
58.. 96 88366 20884 238309 2.70 
59.., 97 67482 16480 170827 2.53 
60.. 98 51002 12271 119825 2.35 
6l.. 99 38731 8176 81094 2.09 
62..100 30555 7679 50539 1.65 
63..101 22876 7161 27663 1.2} 
64..102 15715 6661 11948 o76 
65..103 9054 6160 2894 «32 
66..104 2894 2894 
Difference of Age Thirty-Nine Years. 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
Ages. 1.4 Decrement at Higher Ages. Nom; 
Ds A) In, Im, ~lwt1.lny 41 Nom, my Doe mn 
0&39 51360000 8420425 893976113 17.41 
1..40 | 42939575 3974564 851036538 19.82 
2..41 38965011 3031451 812071527 20.84 
3..42 35933560 1860298 776137967 21.60 
4..43 34073262 1461256 742064705 21.78 
5..44 32612006 1054554 | 709452689 21.75 
6..45 31557452 849194 677895247 21.48 
7..46 30708258 721090 647186989 21.08 
8..47 29987168 632315 617199821 20.58 
9..48 29354853 556173 587844968 20.03 
10. .49 28798680 521573 559046288 19.41 

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