Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Thirty-Nine Years—continued. 
Son Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living at Expectation. 
Decrement. Higher Ages. Np, m 
Ages. Im, lang N =m my 
D,,, my In. bay — Ina . bya 2a Di, my 
56% 95 | 120000 29748 336208 2.80 
57.. 96 90252 21096 245956 2.73 
58.. 97 69156 16670 176800 2.56 
59.. 98 52486 12413 124314 2.37 
60.. 99 40073 8384 84241 2.10 
61..100 31689 7924 52552 1.66 
62..101 23765 7425 28787 1.21 
63..102 16340 6911 12447 .76 
64..103 9429 6411 3018 +32 
65..104 3018 3018 
Difference of Age Forty Years. 
; Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
Ages. i Decrement. at Higher Ages. Fe 
Ne 1 ———— 
Di; mo ln. ln, e—l-t1. bony Nex, my Dy, my 
0& 40 50750000 8368851 8650724536 17.05 
1.5.41 42381149 3952889 822691387 19.41 
2s 42 38428260 3011154 784263127 20.41 
3.., 43 35417106 1840702 748846021 21.14 
4,. 44 33576404 1446985 715269617 21.30 
5.. 45 32129419 1039287 683140198 21.26 
6.. 46 31090132 836860 652050066 20.97 
7 oui 47 30253272 704016 621796794 20.55 
8.. 48 29549256 603462 592247538 20.04 
9...49 28945794 541174 563301744 19.46 
10.. 50 28404620 506942 534897124 18.83 
11... 51 27897678 531278 506999446 18.16 
12... 32 27366400 550752 479633046 17.58 
13..533 26815648 569743 452817398 16.89 
14..:534 26245905 586005 426571493 16.25 
15..7°55 25659900 615900 400911593 15.62 
16... 58 25044000 640644 375867593 15.01 
17, 87 24403356 675164 351464237 14.40 
18., 38 23728192 7353575 327736045 13.81 
19...59 22992617 806747 304743428 13.25 
20.. 60 22185870 894383 282557558 12.74 
21... 61 21291487 904512 261266071 12.27 
2% +o. 82 20386975 899891 240879096 11.82 
23... 63 19487084 877381 221392012 11.36 
24.. 64 18609703 866881 202782309 10.90

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