Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Forty-Three Y ears— continued. 
” ou Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living at ~~ Expectation. 
Ages. nlp Decrement. Higher Ages. Nom, my 
Dm, my lp. In; — ltr lm Ne, my Dom, my 
44 & 87 1420208 323544 4307224 3.03 
45.. 88 1096664 253747 3210560 2.93 
46..:89 842917 191421 2367643 2.81 
47.. 90 651496 176791 1716147 2.63 
48.. 91 474705 140355 1241442 2.62 &. 
49.. 92 334350 96912 907092 2.71 
50.. 93 237438 63918 669654 2.82 2 
51.. 94 173520 45240 496134 2.86 | 
52..:.95 128280 31427 367854 2.87 
53.. 98 96853 922279 271001 2.80 
54.. 97 74574 17552 196427 2.63 } 
55.. 28 57022 13022 139405 2.44 
56.. 99 44000 8684 95405 2:17 
57..100 35316 8422 60089 1.70 
58..101 26894 8149 33195 1.23 
59..102 18745 7816 14450 77 
60..103 10929 7408 352] +37 
61..104 3521 3521 
Difference of Age Forty-Four Years. 
Te Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
Ages. 0 Decrement. at Higher Ages. Now 
Dn. mi Im Im = Int . lny+1 No, my Dm, my 
0 & 44 47980000 7984853 751596320 15.67 
1...45 39995147 3768344 711601173 17.79 
2.. 46 36226803 2853691 675374370 18.64 
3.. 47 33373112 1735154 642001258 19.24 
4.. 48 31637958 1336932 610363300 19.29 
5..:49 30301026 946654 580062274 19.14 
6.. 50 29354372 749600 550707902 18.76 
7s: 81 98604772 656836 522103130 18.25 
8.. 52 27947936 605913 494155194 17.68 
9...53 27342023 578243 466813171 17.07 
10.. 54 926763780 570317 440049391 16.44 
T1a.255 26193463 593463 413585928 15.80 
12..:56 25606000 611968 388255928 15.17 
13.. 57 24986032 648962 363267896 14.54 
14.. 88 24339070 720370 338928826 13.93 
15.0359 923618700 809877 315310126 13.35 
16.. 60 22808823 911724 292501303 12.82

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