Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives, 
Difference of Age Forty-Four Years—conlinued. 
hooves = TT 
Nim y er Curtate 
ny Number of Living. Swm of Living Expectation. 
nm Ages. Lil Decrement. at Higher Ages. Non, my 
1,03 D.., my bn. dine lm 1.miF1 N.,, my Do, my 
oe 17& 61 21897099 929579 270604204 12.36 
5 18..:62 20967520 924876 249636684 13.91 
ip 19.. 63 20042644 901774 229594040 11.46 
2 20.. 64 19140870 §91024 210453170 | 10.99 
on 2i... 60 18249846 871376 192203324 10.563 
29..:66 17378470 854997 174824854 10.06 
. 23.. 67 16523473 844665 158301381 9.58 
ih 24.. 68 15678308 834333 142622573 9.10 
Lb 25.5289 14844475 832239 127778098 8.61 
ha 98..-70 14012236 821575 113765862 8.12 
27.021 13190661 872697 100575201 7.63 
28...72 12317964 939058 88257237 7.17 
29:07 11378906 991984 76878331 6.76 
. 30...74 10386922 1032047 66491409 6.40 
3l..275 9354875 979955 57136534 6.11 
32.20 8374920 938472 48761614 5.82 
D377 7436448 865627 41325166 5.56 
34...78 6570821 774499 34754345 5.29 
35.579 5796322 738751 28958023 5.00 
35... 50 5057571 662484 23900452 4,73 
37.48% 4395087 629437 19505365 4.44 
38.. 82 3765650 565922 15739715 4.18 
(artate 37..:83 3199728 515053 12539987 3.92 
depertation, 40.. 84 2684675 455670 9855312 3.67 
Som 41,.2 8) 2229005 416025 7626307 3.42 
oo 42.. 86 1812980 371756 5813327 3.21 
5.67 43... 87 1441224 328088 4372103 3.03 
rn 44.. 88 1113136 237549 3258967 2.93 
iA 45.. 89 855587 194293 2403380 2.81 
9.04 46.. 90 661294 179554 1742086 2.63 
47:91 431740 142665 1260346 2.62 
0,14 48." 92 339075 98343 921271 2.72 
8.15 49..:93 240732 64852 680539 2.83 
3.25 50.. 94 175880 45740 504659 2.87 
TR 5lee 93 130140 31792 374519 9.88 
} 5%..96 98348 22550 276171 2.81 
sa 53..:97 75798 17796 200373 2.64 
i 54.. 98 58002 13199 142371 2.46 
> 53.. 99 44803 8803 97568 2.18 
§ 56. 100 36000 8532 61568 1.71 
Bs 57..101 97468 8258 34100 1.24 
58..102 19210 7963 14890 78 
59..103 11247 7604 3643 29 
60..104 3643 3643 

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