Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Forty-Eight Years—continued. 
Curtate —— 
ieetation, } Curtate 
oy Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation, 
= Ages. Decrement. at Higher Ages. Now,im 
Dn, ns Im. bn, — 
; - Dp, my [A — mgr omy Non, mi Dp, my 
152 — -- 8 sidebats J Si 
L2 20 & 68 16126320 857645 147794612 9.17 
483 21... 89 15268675 850670 132525937 8.68 
18 22..70 | 14418005 840254 118107932 8.19 
1% 23...71 13677751 889048 104530181 7.70 
24... 72 12688703 948340 91841478 7.24 
i 25...73 11740363 996287 80101115 6.82 
26.., 74 10744076 1040801 69357039 6.46 
- 275-45 9703275 995055 59653764 6.15 
Lp 28...76 8708%20 964638 50945544 5.85 
29.. 77 7743582 899836 43201962 5.58 
30.. 78 6843746 806361 36358216 5.31 
31...:79 6037385 769201 30320831 5.02 
32.. 80 5268184 688120 250562647 4.76 
33.. 81 4580064 652739 20472583 4.47 
34.. 82 3927325 586799 16545258 4.21 
35.. 83 3340526 533123 13204732 3.95 
36.. 84 2807403 470708 10397329 3.70 
37.+.83 2336695 430497 8060634 3.45 
38.. &6 1966198 385942 6154436 3.23 
39... 87 1520256 342856 4634180 3.05 
pus 40.. 88 1177400 270771 3456780 2.94 
Yam 41.. 89 906629 205149 2550151 2.81 
—l 42.. 90 701480 190235 1848671 2.63 
0. 43.. 91 511245 151395 1337426 2.62 
ol 44.. 92 353850 104592 977576 2.7% 
6.03 49.4 .03 255258 68978 722318 2.83 
yi 46.. 94 186280 48640 536038 2.88 
| 47.. 95 137640 33657 398398 2.89 
Xe 48.. 96 103983 23739 294115 2.83 
a 49.. 97 80244 18686 214171 2.67 
5 50.4 98 ! 61558 13840 152613 2.48 
8 51... 49 47718 9234 104895 2.20 
+38 52..100 38484 9007 66411 1.73 
LG3 53..101 29477 8762 36934 27 
54.102 20715 RA49¢ 16219 
3.48 55..103 12219 Bal: 4000 
2.%4 56..104 4000 4000 

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