Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Fifty-One Years—continued. 
at Curtat 
Care Number of Living. Sum of Living hin 
pesttin, Ages. ALN Dectatient; # Higher Ages Non, my 
Naw Do mj bm . lm, = lat 3 by Nop, my Do, my 
7 —_—— a r= = eee 
5& 56 27188000 991376 407783974 15.00 
9 Ban 57 26196624 862476 381587350 14.57 
" 7.. 58 25334148 830684 356253202 14.06 
8.. 59 24503464 849465 331749738 13.54 
; 9.. 60 23653999 905339 308095739 13.03 
1.32 : . 
10., 61 22745660 912415 285350079 12.55 
| 11.. 62 21833245 918045 263516834 12.07 
12.. 63 20915200 900576 242601634 11.60 
13.. 64 20014624 895594 222587010 11.12 
~ 14.. 65 19119030 886530 203467980 10.64 
- 15.. 66 18232200 882969 185235780 10.16 
16.. 67 17349231 881319 167886549 9.68 
17.. 68 16467912 873512 151418637 9,19 
18.. 69 15594400 869067 135824237 8.71 
19.. 70 14725333 858403 121098904 8.22 
Lh 20.. 71 13866930 908209 107231974 7.73 
21.. 72 12958741 966736 94273253 7.97 
22.. 73 11991985 1014102 82281268 6.86 
23.. 74 10977883 1060208 71303385 6.50 
24.. 75 9917675 1010990 61385710 6.19 
“8 25.. 76 8906685 975561 52479025 5.89 
2W.. 77 7931124 904215 44547901 5.62 
27... 78 7026909 813321 37520092 5.34 
28.. 79 6213588 783394 31307404 5.04 
29.. 80 5430194 707840 25877210 4.76 
(48 30.. 81 1722354 673229 21154856 4.48 
31.. &2 4049125 605181 17105731 4.92 
32.. 83 3443944 549256 13661787 3.97 
33.. 84 2891698 484123 10767099 3.72 
34.. 85 2110565 442711 8356534 3.47 
35.. 86 1967854 396982 6388680 3.25 
36., 87 1570872 352640 4817808 3.07 
37.. 88 1218232 278118 3599576 2.96 
38.. 89 940114 210802 2659462 2.83 
39.. 90 729312 196437 1930150 2.65 
eo 40.. 91 532875 157200 1397275 2.62 
- 41.. 92 375675 108915 1021600 2.72 
setaton 42.. 93 266760 72000 754840 2.83 
Nay 43.. 94 194760 50820 560080 2.88 
Bae 44.. 95 143940 35219 416140 2.89 
2 45.. 96 108721 24995 307419 2.83 
jy 46.. 97 83826 19594 223593 2.67 
; 47.. 98 64232 14501 159361 2.48 
48.. 99 49731 9609 109630 2.20 

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