Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Fifty-Two Years—continued. 
Cartate iii — 
“Apeeiaio, — Curtate 
5, Number of Living, Sum of Living Expectation, 
ic n Ages. 1.7 Decrement, at Higher Ages, Nom, my 
From Me ‘Mg RTT 
Din, my Im. In, —lnt1.0my 1 Ni, my Dy. my 
i 30 & 82 4090450 610995 17289538 4.23 
% 31.. 83 3479455 555143 13810083 3.97 
i 32.. 84 2924312 489272 10885771 3.72 
33.. 85 2435040 447001 8450731 3.47 
34... 86 1988039 400887 6462692 3.25 
35.. 87 1587152 355928 4875540 3.07 
36.. 88 1231224 280793 3644316 2.96 
37.. 89 950431 212883 2693885 2.83 
38.., 90 737548 218268 1956337 2.65 
39.. 91 539280 158655 1417057 2,63 
Cntate 40.., 92 380625 110139 1036432 2.72 
el dl... 93 270486 72886 765946 2.83 
ile © 42.. 94 197600 51530 568346 2.88 
De me 43, ,.95 146070 35716 422276 2.89 
== 44,, 96 110354 25268 311922 2.83 
4.08 45... 97 85086 19888 226836 2.67 
4.34 46.. 98 65198 14730 161638 2.48 
4.8 47.. 99 50468 9779 111170 2.20 
48 48..100 40689 9483 70481 1.73 
49..101 31206 9221 39275 1,26 
1.98 50.,102 21985 8971 17290 79 
3.3 51..103 13014 8738 4276 +33 
1.02 52,.104 4276 4276 
A ~ 
LI Difference of Age Fifty-Three Years. 
it = 
ry Curt 
i Number of Living. Sum of Living rn, 
118 Ages. lid Decrement, at Higher Ages, Non ny 
m. bmg oree————ee 
' Dim, my bn . Im, se Lx Jom 1 Nr, my Dp, ma 
0& 53 42110000 7056077 510575626 12.12 
1.. 54 35053923 3370056 475521703 13.57 
Dev. 3D 31683867 2587867 443837836 14.01 
+ 3.. 56 29096000 1635848 414741836 14.25 
b 4.. 57 27460152 1346078 387281684 14.10 
5., 58 26114074 1085750 361167610 13.83 
6.. 59 25028324 1006382 336139286 13.43 
5 7.. 60 24021942 1008686 312117344 12.99 
ii 8..701 23013256 969521 289104088 12:56 
9,. 62 22043735 932455 267060353 12,11 
10.. 63 21111280 898647 245949073 11.65 
11... 64 20212633 897433 225736440 11.17 
12.. 65 19315200 886208 206421240 10.69 

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