Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Sixty-Two Years. 
- Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living at Expectation, 
Ages lL Decrement, Higher Ages. Now, my 
ave me “my me eet 
Dp, m1 ln bmp nr dm Nou, my D,, my) 
0& 62 33950000 6299452 293909983 8.66 
l.. 63 27650548 3201151 266259435 9.63 
2.. 64 24449397 2496465 241810038 9.89 
3...:69 21952932 1700720 219857106 10.02 
4,. 66 20252212 1417725 199604894 9.86 
5.+ 67 18834487 1156439 180770407 9.60 
6.. 68 17678048 1028198 163092359 9.23 
7.0 69 16649850 956914 146442509 8.80 
Bee: 70 15692936 908375 130749573 8.33 
9..71 14784561 940781 115965012 7.84 
10.. 72 13843780 1001073 102121232 7.38 IT 
11... 73 12842707 1060307 89278525 6.95 ; 
12.. 74 11782400 1116000 77496125 6.58 1 
13... 75 10666400 1068875 66829725 6.27 3. 
14.. 76 9597525 1035825 57232200 5.96 I. 
15., 77 8561700 967107 48670500 5.68 " 
16... 78 7594593 871854 41075907 5.41 " 
17..:79 6722739 837011 34353168 5.11 re 
18.. 80 5885728 752407 28467440 4.84 os 
19,., 81 6133321 718071 23334119 4.55 n 
20.. 82 4415250 647969 18918869 4.28 5 
MN... 83 3767281 590636 15151588 4.02 ot 
22.. 84 3176645 523110 11974943 3.77 Fai 
23.. 85 2653535 480528 9321408 3.51 > 
24.. 86 2173007 432823 7148401 3.29 = 
250+ 87 1740184 386232 5408217 311 . 
26.. 88 1353952 305419 4054265 2.99 2 
27.. 89 1048533 232317 3005732 2.87 : 
28.. 90 316216 217918 2189516 2.68 2 
29..:91 598290 175148 1591226 2.66 “ue 
30.. 92 423150 121560 1168076 2.76 . 
31.: 93 301590 80470 866486 2.87 day 
32.. H 221120 56960 645366 2.92 iL. 
33..85 164160 39569 481206 2:93 Rad 
34.. 96 124591 28075 356615 2.86 8.4 
35.. 97 96516 29218 260099 2.69 ~ 
36.. 98 74298 16537 185801 2.50 ¥ 
37. 99 57761 11015 128040 2.22 3 
38..100 46746 10794 81294 1.74 3 
39..101 35952 10577 45342 1.26 3 
40..102 25375 10348 19967 79 
41..103 15027 10087 494() vend v 
42..104 4940 4940

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