Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives, 
Difference of Age Sixty-Four Years. 
: To Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
Ages. I 1 Decrement. at Higher Ages. Non, my 
Me my rn eee. 
Dn, my Im. lm, ~lmt1.bmy1 Non, my Dm, my 
0& 64 31430000 5894702 252273548 8.03 
1.. 65 25535298 3022872 226738250 8.88 
2.. 66 22512426 2356172 204225824 9.07 
3.. 67 20156254 1625550 184069570 9.13 
4.. 68 18536704 1368279 165538866 8.93 
5.. 69 17162425 1133349 148376441 8.65 
6.. 70 16029076 1014538 132347365 8.26 
7-+ 71 15014538 1007890 117332827 7.81 
B.. 72 14006648 1040127 103326179 7.38 
9.. 73 1296652] 1073661 90359658 6.97 
10.. 74 11892860 1120935 78466798 6.60 I 
11... 75 10771925 1075925 67694873 6.28 as 
12.. 76 9696000 1041888 57998873 5.98 jo 
13... 77 8654112 969757 49344761 5.70 ies 
14.. 78 7684355 874065 41660406 5.42 bs 
15.. 79 6810300 843567 34850106 5.12 li. 
16.. 80 5966733 761430 28883373 4.84 2 
17.. 81 5205303 727703 23678070 4.55 
18.. 82 4477600 656741 19200470 4.29 : 
19.. 83 3820859 599249 156379611 4.03 Bo. 
20.. 84 3221610 530695 12158001 3.77 At 
21.. 8 2690915 487680 9467086 3.52 wl 
22.. 46 2203835 438787 7263251 3.30 wh 
23.. 87 1765048 391876 5498203 3.12 = 
24.. 88 1373672 309073 4124531 3.00 “a 
25... 89 1064099 235387 3060432 2.88 % 
26.. 90 828712 220447 2231720 2.69 4, 
27... 91 608265 177165 1623455 2.67 a. 
28... 92 431100 123408 1192355 2.77 B. 
29.. 43 307692 82012 884663 2.88 XN. 
30.. 94 225680 58130 658963 2.92 3. & 
31...95 167550 40406 491433 2.93 a, § 
32.. 96 127144 28648 364289 2.87 qd.¢ 
33.. 97 98496 22658 265793 2.70 3. 
34.. 98 75838 16856 189955 2.50 #8 
35.. 99 58982 11219 130973 2.22 3 
36..100 47763 11006 83210 1.74 ¥ 
37..101 36757 10787 46453 1.26 b) 
38..102 25970 10562 20483 79 By 
39..103 15408 10333 5075 .33 
40,.104 5075 5075

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