Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Sixty-Six Years. 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation, 
Loot Decrement. at Higher Ages. Nu, m 
Ages. me “my rol 
Dp, my In imy— ln Lng Nom, my | Du, my 
0 & 66 28940000 5494569 213575933 7.38 
1.. 67 23445431 2846639 190130502 8.11 
2. 63 20598792 2231942 169531710 8:23 
3.0. 69 18366850 1564652 151164860 8.23 
4.5. 70 16802198 1325429 134362662 8.00 
See Ti 15476769 1170101 1188858933 7.68 
B.v 72 14306668 1138450 104579225 7.31 
7ie 73 13168218 1135442 91411007 6.94 
B., 74 12032776 1157001 79378231 6.60 
9... 75 10875775 1088875 68502456 6.30 
180.. 76 9786900 1047171 58715556 6.00 
11...77 8739729 976529 49975827 5.72 
12... 78 7763200 879392 4929212627 5.44 
13... 79 6883808 846553 35328819 5.13 Ls 
14.. &0 6037255 764155 29291564 4.85 Has 
13.. 81 5273100 733875 24018464 ' 4.55 
16.. 82 4539225 664788 19479239 ' 4.29 5. 
17... 83 3874437 607333 15604802 4.03 I. 
18.. 84 3267104 537919 12337698 3.78 II. 
19.. 85 2729185 494155 9608513 3.52 B. 
20.. 86 2235030 445118 7373483 3.29 
21..:87 1789912 396752 5583571 3.12 N. 
22+. 38 1393160 313857 4190411 3.01 | 8 
23... 89 1079303 238521 3111108 2.88 & 
%4.. 90 840782 223487 2270326 2.70 3. 
25.. 91 617295 179593 1653031 2.68 
26... 92 437700 124878 1215331 2.78 % 
97... 93 312822 82902 902509 2.89 5 
28.. 94 229920 58980 672589 2.93 & 
99.. 95 170940 41174 501649 2.93 i. 
30.. 96 129766 29236 371883 9.87 oo 
31.97 100530 23138 271353 2.70 3. 
32.. 93 77392 17200 193961 2.51 1 
33.. 99 60192 11439 133769 2.22 51 
34..100 48753 11219 85016 1.74 %. 
35..101 37534 10999 47482 1.27 oo 
36..102 26535 10782 20947 .79 B 
37..103 15753 10559 5194 .33 % 
38..104 5194 5194 3

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