Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives, 
— Difference of Age Seventy-One Years. 
Carta ems — ry ent 
Bape, Curtate 
Neo Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation, 
i= Ago L Jory Decrement, at Higher Ages, Na, my 
Don, my [A bn, ~lntr, bn Non, my Din, my 
04 — = =. - Eg ome 
3.52 0& 71 22770000 4638077 129601661 5.69 
5d 1... 72 18131923 2597260 111469748 6.15 
35 Zee 73 15534663 2143229 95935085 6.25 
in 30 74 13391434 1669784 82543651 6.16 
4,. 75 11721650 1424195 70822001 6.04 
jy 5. 76 10297455 1224771 60524546 5.88 
i Bee 77 9072684 1074162 51451862 5.67 
a Zev. 78 7998522 933106 35g 5.43 
oR 8... 79 7065416 877587 3638792 5.15 
ys 9.. 80 6187829 780809 30200095 4.88 
10... 81 5407020 744545 24793075 4.59 
Bl... 82 4662475 675275 20130600 4,32 
12... 83 3987200 618528 16143400 4,05 
Co 13.. 84 3368672 549597 12774728 3.79 
LL 14.. 85 2819075 506975 9955653 3.53 
b= 15.. 86 2312100 458844 7643553 3.31 
16.. 87 1853256 410448 5790297 3.12 
17.. 88 1447808 324952 4347489 3.01 
vo 18.. 89 1117856 246970 3229633 2.59 
al 19.. 90 870886 231436 2358747 2.71 
Lh 20.. 91 639450 185925 1719297 2.69 
Lif 21... 92 453525 129255 1265772 2.79 
Yi 22.+ 93 324270 85750 941502 2.90 
fo 23.. 94 238520 60890 702982 2.95 
1% 24.. 95 177630 42413 525352 2.96 
1% 25.. 968 135217 30169 390135 2.29 
J 80 20... 973 105048 23946 285087 2.71 
i 27.. 98 81102 17874 203985 2:32 
he 28... 99 63228 11946 140757 2.23 
Lp 29..100 51282 11788 89475 1.73 
30..101 39494 11569 49981 1.27 
31..102 27925 11341 22056 79 
32..103 16584 11112 5472 -33 
33,.104 5472 8472 

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