Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Ra'e of Mortality for Two Joint Lives, 
Difference of Age Seventy-Two Years. 
So Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expec ation, 
Ages. Lisi Decrement. at Iligher Ages. Nn, my 
|) my In. In, —lnsr.lmy 1 Na. my D..., m) 
0& 72 21430000 4533353 115060537 5.37 
1...73 1696617 2575478 98163920 5.81 
2.. 74 14321139 2137189 83842,81 5.86 
3.. 73 | 12183950 1551980 71658831 5.88 
4.. 76 10601970 1364847 61056861 5.76 
Bee 77 9237123 1139135 51819738 5.61 
6... 78 8097988 969874 43721750 5.40 
7+ 79 7128114 899306 36593636 5.13 
8.. 80 622:808 794167 30364828 4.88 
9.. 81 5431641 751141 24930187 4.59 
10.. 82 4683500 676987 20246687 4.32 
11.. 83 4006513 620913 16240174 4.05 
12.. 84 3335600 551840 12854574 3.80 
13.. 85 2833760 508815 10020814 3.54 
14.. 86 2321945 460145 7696869 3.381 
15.. 87 1864800 412248 5831069 3.13 
16.. 88 1452552 326913 4378517 3.01 
17.. 89 1125639 248647 3252878 2.89 
18...90 , 876992 233027 2375886 2.71 
19.. 91 643965 187215 1731921 2.69 
20.. 92 | 456750 130212 1275171 2.79 
21.. 93 326538 86338 948633 2.91 
22.. 94 240200 61310 708433 2.95 
23.. 95 178890 42707 529543 2.96 
24.. 96 136183 30361 893360 2.89 
25... 97." 105822 24118 287538 2.72 
26.. 98 81704 17981 2058314 2.52 
27.+ 99 63723 11991 142111 2.23 
28..100 51732 11846 90379 1.75 
29..101 39886 11676 50493 1:27 
30..102 28210 11455 22283 4 
31..103 16755 11227 5528 .33 
32..104 5528 8528 
Difference of Age Seventy-Three Years. 
s Cc 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Bre. 
Ages. Lil Decrement. at Higher Ages, Non. 1 
o My 3 
my In. Im, ltr, my Nom, my Dm. my 
0& 73 19970000 4393299 101418256 5.08 
l...74 15576701 2546876 85841555 5.51 
2...75 13029825 2009715 72811730 5.59 
3.. 76 11020110 1509828 61791620 5.61 
A...:77 9510282 1265521 52281338 5.50

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