Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Seventy-Three Years—continued. 
a Curtate 
“hi, Number of Living, Sum of Living Expeciation. 
\ Sa". Ages. In. Decrement. at Higher Ages. Non, my 
n,m, m, fmy J mii im 
". Dn, mj ln. by —bni 1.0m 41 Ny, my Drs, my 
37 5& 78 6244761 1028.05 44036577 5.54 
re 6.. 79 7216756 932674 36819821 5.10 
i 7.. 80 | 6284082 813350 30035739 4.86 
Pp 8.. 81 5470632 763.07 25050107 4.58 
oh 9... 82 4707425 682845 20357682 4.33 
m 10.. 83 4024580 622581 16333102 4,06 
11... 84 3401999 553999 12931103 3.0 
12..85 2845000 510944 10083103 3.54 
13.. 86 2337056 461896 7746047 3.31 
5 14.. 87 1875160 413560 5870887 3.13 
- 15.. 88 1461600 328359 4409287 3.02 
16.. 89 ! 1133241 250143 3276046 2.89 
17.. 90 | 883098 234618 2392948 2.71 
18.. 91 648480 188505 1744468 2.69 
19.. 92 459975 131115 1284493 2.79 
20.. 93 328860 86980 955633 2.91 
: 21..911 241880 61730 713753 2.95 
22... 95 180150 43001 533603 2.96 
23.. 96 ' 137149 30571 396454 2.89 
24.. 97 106578 24272 289876 2.72 
25.. 98 | 82306 18110 207570 2.52 
= 26.. 99 64196 12059 143374 2.23 
27+.100 52137 11901 91237 1.75 
28..101 40236 11746 51001 3.27 
; 29..102 28490 11564 22511 «79 
re 30..103 16926 11341 5585 «32 
31..104 5585 5586 
Difference of Age Seventy-Four Years. 
Number of Living. Sum of Living pL 
Ages. Ly Decrement. at Higher Ages. Nov, m 
mo bm —. 
Da, oH fn Im, -— lng Im 1 Num, my Da, may 
0& 74 18410000 4237825 88765897 | 4.82 
1..:73 14172175 2386990 74593722 5.26 
Corfale 2s £0 11785185 1899319 62808537 5.33 
Expectation 3.. 77 | 985366 1396792 52923171 5.35 
Nam 4.. 78 8488574 1141017 44434597 5.23 
De Lo 
5.. 79 7347557 985329 37087040 5.05 
6.. §0 6362228 843050 30721812 4.83 
Twn Si) 5519178 780578 25205634 4.57 
8.. 82 4738600 693461 20467034 4.32 

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