Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives, 
Difference of Age Seventy-Four Years—continued. 
it Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
Ages, Ginn Decrement. at Higher Ages. Now, my 
Dix, my i. bn, Img lm Na, my Dp, my 
9 & 83 4045139 627799 1642 1895 4,06 
10.. 84 3417340 555545 13004555 3.81 
11... 83 2861795 512995 10142760 3.94 
12.. 88 2348800 463872 7793960 3.32 I 
13... 87 1884928 415208 5909032 3.13 ¥.. 
14.. 88 1469720 329420 4439312 3.02 a 
15.. 89 1140300 251238 3299012 - 2.89 o 
16.. 90 889062 236067 2409950 2.71 ; 
17... 91 652995 189795 1756955 2.69 W 
18., 92 463200 132018 1293755 2.79 oe 
19.. 93 331182 87582 962573 ' 2.91 . 
20.. 94 243600 62190 718973 2.95 ne 
21..°95 181410 43295 537563 2.96 3% 
22.. 96 138115 30781 399448 2.89 = 
23.. 97 107334 24440 294114 2.72 =e 
24.. 98 82894 18225 209220 2.52 fo 
25.. 99 64669 12145 144551 2.24 hol 
26..100 52524 11973 92027 1.75 os 
27..101 40551 11811 51476 1.27 = 
98. +102 28740 11646 22736 +79 
29..103 17094 11452 5642 37 
30..104 5642 5642 
Difference of Age Seventy-Five Years. 
oi Curtat 
Number of Living. Sum of Living at Brom, 
Ages. LZ: bre Decrement. Tighe Ages. Nous, mm 
Dm, Ma In. bony — ln. by a Di, my 
0& 75 16750000 3931585 77205700 4.61 
1.476 12818415 2246754 64387285 5.02 
De 77 : 10571561 1745299 53815624 5.09 
3.98 8823362 1258524 44992262 5.10 
4.. 79 7564838 1087297 37427424 4.95 
5.. 80 6477541 889729 30949883 4.78 
6.. 81 5587812 807162 25362071 4.54 10 
7... 82 4780650 708722 20581421 4.31 
8.. 83 4071928 637131 16509493 4.05 I 
9.. 84 3434797 560097 13074696 3.3. 1, 
10.. 85 2874700 514523 10199996 3.55 - 
11.. 86 2360177 465777 7839819 3.32 1 

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