Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
ny Difference of Age Seventy-Five Years— continued. 
, Urtaly ————— 1 rams 
Ri, - — Curtate 
om my Number of Living. Sum of Living at Expectation. 
By Anes, le Ton Decrement. Higher Ages. Non, my 
08 Din, my In, my —lmt1. mp1 No, mi Din, my 
Wl 12 & 87 1894400 417024 5945419 3.14 
wd 13.. 88 1477376 330741 4468043 3.02 
3 l4.. 89 1146635 252035 3321408 2.90 
1.13 15... 90 | 894600 237195 2426808 2.71 
16., 91 657405 190950 1769403 2.69 
4 17., 92 466425 132921 1302978 2.79 
pr 18.. 93 333504 88184 969474 2.91 
wha 19... MH 245320 62620 724154 2:35 
LN 20.. 95 182700 43619 541454 2.96 
21.. 95 139081 30991 402373 2.89 
| 22.. 97 | 108090 24608 294283 2.72 
23.» 98 83482 18331 210801 2.95 
24.. 99 65131 12220 145670 2.24 
in 25..100 52911 12059 92759 1.75 
26..101 40852 11887 51907 1.27 
97..102 25965 11721 22942 7 
28..103 17244 11546 5698 34 
29..104 5698 5698 
Difference of Age Seventy-Six Years. 
ig Curtate 
Number of Living, Sum of Living at ~~ Expectation. 
Ages. | z Ins Decrement. Higher Ages. Non, my 
Dm, my Im. lm, lin Imi Ny. ml Dp, my 
Eo 0& 76 15150000 3651501 66705527 4.40 
gent Lee 77 11498499 2062572 55207028 4.80 
Yn 2.78 9435927 1572733 45771101 4.85 
i 3. +79 7863194 1194100 37907907 4,82 
Vine 4,. 80 6669094 980005 31238813 4,68 
Lil Bue 81 5689089 848989 25549724 4.49 
iW 6... 82 4540100 732038 20709624 4.28 
i 7.. 83 4108062 650518 16601562 4.04 
3.10 8.. 84 3457544 568159 13144018 3.80 
1% 9... 85 2889385 318565 10254633 3.55 
£8 10.. 86 2370820 467244 7883813 Sead 
il.. 87 1903576 418776 5980237 3.14 
12.. 88 1484800 332192 4495437 3.03 
ow 13... 89 1152608 253038 3342829 2.90 
L¥ 14.. 90 899570 238070 2443259 2.72 
15.. 91 661500 191925 1781759 2.69 
16., 92 469575 133749 1312184 2.79 

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