Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
Difference of Age Eighty-Four Years—continued. 
. Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
Decrement. at Higher Ages. Not,m 
Ages. Ln. lm, amy 
Dy, my Im. ny —lnt1.dmya No, my Dm, my 
10& 94 259400 65470 767995 2.97 
11.. 95 192930 45730 575065 2.98 
12.. 96 147200 32576 4927865 2.91 
134.97 114624 25934 313241 2.73 
14.. 98 88690 19390 224551 2.53 
15... 99 69300 12951 155251 2.24 
16..100 56349 12816 98902 1.75 
17.301 43533 12653 55369 1.27 10.. 
18..102 30880 12481 24489 .79 1. 
19..103 18399 12309 6090 *33 12. 
20..104 6090 6090 ™ 
Difference of Age Eighty-Five Years. 
Sus Curtate 
Number of Living. Sum of Living Expectation, 
Aros nln Decrement. at Higher Ages. Ny, my 
ges. m . Ymy —1 
Dy, my In . ony — Im+1. ly N.. my Dp, my 
0& 85 4450000 1344813 11907378 2.67 
T..’86 3105187 802603 8802191 2.83 
Des 87 2302584 615016 6499607 2.82 
S.+ 88 1687568 420930 4812039 2.85 
v.89 1266638 301464 3545401 2.80 
5.. 80 965174 264194 2580227 2.67 
6.. 91 700980 206430 1879247 2.68 
7... 92 494550 141606 13846497 2.80 
S.. 93 35294 4 93224 1031753 2.92 
0:94 259720 65920 772033 2.97 
10.. 95 193800 45887 578233 2.98 3, ! 
11..°96 147913 32713 430320 2.91 
12.. 97 115200 26048 315120 2.74 10.. § 
13.. 88 89152 19467 225968 2.53 H.. 
14...99 69685 12985 156283 2.24 12.1 
15..100 56700 12873 99583 1.75 M.] 
16..101 43827 12732 55756 1.27 
17..102 31095 12567 24661 9 15..1 
12..103 18528 12395 6133 33 b. 1 
19..104 6133 6133 7 

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