Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Carlisle Rate of Mortality for Two Joint Lives. 
ees Difference of Age One Hundred Years. 
na, - 
On Curtat 
Number of Living. Sum of Living at Bien oom 
h Ages. bn by Decrement, Higher Ages. Now. my 
2 Dp, ny Im. bny— bm . ny > Ty Dp, my 
1 0 &100 90000 30773 126942 I: 
1..101 59227 20332 67715 1. 
2..102 38895 17073 28820 
3..103 21822 14824 6998 a3 
4.,104 6998 6998 
Difference of Age One Hundred and One Years. 
Td Curtate 
Number of Living, Sum of Living Expectation. 
Ages. Decrement. at Higher Ages. N 
lm. Im, riibuceatind SES 
Dim, mi lm. my ~ m1. my Nop, my Dm, my 
Cutts am pp Crm — ee — en 
Expectation. 0 &101 70000 27695 72916 1.04 
Noni my 1..102 42305 18968 30611 972 
Bis 2..103 23337 16063 7274 «31 
Ea 3..104 7274 7274 
5 Difference of Age One Hundred and Two Years. 
Ti Curtate 
Number of Living, Sum of Living at | Expectation 
Ages, ae dvi Decrement, Higher Ages. | N,, nm; 
Dn, m1 Im. ny ~lpg1. bmi 1 No, my Dn, mi 
0&102 50000 24617 33162 ,66 
1..103 25383 17613 7779 .31 
2,.104 7779 7770 
Curtate Difference of Age One Hundred and Three Years. 
Na, mi — 
Sm Curtate 
Da. Number 01 Living. Sum of Living Expectation. 
- ‘Ages, In. In Decrement. at Higher Ages. Nm, my 
+ Do, ud fm . my 3 Im t1, mya No, my Dp, my 
0&103 30000 21539 8461 
1.104 8461 8461 

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