Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

each member should not be less than £125, and in 1750 not less than 
In May, 1790, the society obtained a further charter, extending the 
number of shares to 4000, and requiring an entrance fee of £7 10 0 
from each member, and an annual subscription of £6 4 0. 
By charter, in Oct., 1807, the number of shares was extended to 
8000, and the premiums, instead of being, as formerly, the same for all 
ages, were apportioned according to the age. Seven-eighths of the 
5, av annual contributions were to be divided in each year, and the remain- 
ing eighth part and other monies received to be reserved and improved, 
the society guaranteeing that the amount received on each share should 
not be less than £180, which was subsequently increased to £200. 
By this charter the payments of former members appear to have 
been reduced to £5 per share. 
By 4 Geo. 1V., Feb. 12, 1823, the number of shares was extended 
” to 16,000, and the annual dividends were to be ascertained by an 
rh average of five years. 
By 6 Will. IV., April 12, 1836, the number of shares was extended to 
32,000, and the state of the society’s affairs'on the 5th of April in each 
year until 1840 was to be ascertained by calculating the value of the 
liabilities at the rate of 4 per cent interest, and by the rate of mortality 
amongst the members, deduced from the experience of the society from 
1807 to April 5, 1831; and the table of mortality which shall be used 
on every 5th April during any period of 10 years, commencing in 1841, 
or on the 5th April in any tenth succeeding year, shall be the table of 
mortality deduced from the further experience of the society since 5th 
April, 1831, up to 5th April on which each such period of 10 years will 
commence, combined with the previous experience of the society since 
LL 1807, but not at any time extending further than 50 years next pre- 
ceding such 5th day of April. 
git the The dividends per share in 1837 and three following years not to be 
got the less than £250, and after that period to be ascertained by an average 
d year, of the gain or loss for the previous six years, ascertained by a valuation 
0,000, of the society’s liabilities and assets, but at no time to be less than £200 
urt of per share. 
"The bye-laws enact that persons living in London or within 15 miles 
2 Oro shall appear in person before the court of directors, or before three or 
e fund more of them, and shall then voluntarily upon oath, or, being a quaker, 
be lo upon solemn affirmation, declare that, to the best of his or her belief, he 
of ftom or she is in good health, and not subject to any particular illness tending 
radio” to shorten life, and make answers to such other questions as may be 
put by the directors. 
If the life to be proposed reside at a greater distance than 15 miles, a 
declaration in writing in the form prescribed by the statute 5 & 6 W. IV. 
c. 62, and taken and subscribed before some justice of the peace for the 
place in which he resides, must be transmitted to the directors, stating

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