Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

premium, or in rendering the parties assured free from all payments 
after a fixed number of years. 
" The following table shows the total additions made to life policies for 
al £1,000 effected in London, or through an agent in Great Britain, which 
i had been in force for the twenty-one years ending at Christmas, 1837. 
Tem of - 
Equivalent to the 
Age at following per 
Date of Policy. Commence- Annual Gross Additions Centage on the 
ment. Premium. to the Sum Premiums paid to! 
tr assured. the Company. 
) terror eee rere seeereee SRT _ — 
£54, £ £. +d 
Dec. 25,1816 25 24 010 338 66 18 11 
do. 30 26 14 2 354 63:23 
do. 35 29 18 4 379 60 6 6 
: do. 40 3319 2 416 58.6.8 
do. | 4h 38 19 2 461 56.6. 11 
do. 50 45 6 8 526 55 3 0 
do. b5 53 0.4 626 5 1" 4 
do. 60 63 13 4 789 59 03 
Equivalent reductions have been made in the future payments of pre- 
mium where the parties assured have desired to have the amount of 
bonus so applied. 
The next valuation will be made at Christmas, 1844, and policies 
effected before that date will participate in proportion to the time they 
may then have been in force. 
Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1840. 126, Bishopsgate-street. 
One-half the profits to be divided amongst the assured and annuitants. 
For the profits to which the assured may become entitled a separate 
policy will be granted, exempt from payment of premium. 
Ascending and descending scales of premium. 
Special rates for the Australasian colonies. 
e Policies, whether effected in England or the Australasian colonies, 
may be made payable in either by endorsement. 
Proprietary Company. Established a.p. 1837. 1, Princes-street, Bank. 
A table of increasing rates of premium, the holder having the option 
of paying a periodically-increasing rate, or of having the sum assured 
diminished, according to an equitable scale of reduction. 
A table of decreasing rates of premium, the policy-holder having the

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