Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

. Mixed Company. Established in London a.p. 1841. 27, Moorgate-street. 
5d Participating and non-participating rates. Quarterly, half-yearly, 
and yearly premiums. Two-thirds of profits declared every seven years. 
atte Loans on the value of the policy. Policies not void by suicide if bond 
fide assigned, and notice given to the office one month prior to death. 
under Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1840. 6, King William-street. 
Tables are framed upon participating and non-participating rates. 
i vob Persons insuring upon the former will be entitled to share in the pro- 
vent « fits of that branch of business to the extent of four-fifths. The bonus 
- will be declared at the end of seven years, in which all those assured for 
the whole period of life, who have paid five annual premiums, will par- 
ticipate; and the amount may either be added to the policy, or applied 
towards the reduction of the annual premiums, at the option of the 
pe assured. 
fi Tables are framed on increasing and decreasing rates, to insure in- 
date creasing or decreasing sums. 
dl, gid Premiums payable either yearly, half-yearly, or quarterly, or in one or 
more sums. Clergymen and others may insure against sickness or old 
age, as well as secure, at the same time, a provision for their families at 
death, by a small increased premium. 
Persons subject to diseases which do not tend materially to shorten 
wil life may be insured upon payment of a moderate additional premium. 
bj All risks may be converted into any other class, at the option of the 
- assured, at any time. 
- . Loans may be effected on the security of a policy, or policies will be 
oo purchased on liberal terms. 
Age admitted in the policy ; and mn no case to be disputed afterwards. 
t Death by suicide, duelling, or the hands of justice, to render the 
G assurance null and void, except the policy be duly assigned to another 
’ party for a bond fide consideration. 
a Unopposed probates of the diocesan courts may be held sufficient to 
oo entitle claimants to receive or recover the amount of policies, without 
the expense and delay of a prerogative probate. 
Policies forfeited by non-payment of premium renewable within twelve 
months, upon proof of the same state of health, and the payment of the 
premium in arrear, with interest thereon. 
Mixed Assurance Company. Established in London a. p. 1840. 
57, Moorgate-street. 
Two plans of assurance. One plan by which the assured are entitled 
to participate in the profits of the Company. This participation is to

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