Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

the extent of the profits realized ; and the bonus apportioned may be 
added to the policy, or applied in extinction of future premiums, at the 
option of the party interested. Another plan, by which the assured, at 
reduced premiums, secure a fixed sum, without addition from profits. 
Premiums payable by an ascending scale, or by a limited number of 
payments, to be redeemed by the assured in a certain number of years. 
Claims payable in three months after proof is given of the death of the 
Claims on policies effected in London discharged by the Company’s 
agent there. The Company may be sued in any of the courts of record 
in London by serving the proper writ upon their agents. 
Established a.p. 1829. 41, Parliament-street.’ 
Assurances effected for any sum not exceeding £2500. 
The whole of the profits divided every five years amongst the assurers. 
Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1825. 78, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury. 
The deed of constitution provides that the profits should be ascer- 
tained up to the 30th June, 1831, and subsequently every five years; 
within seven months of which respective periods, the greatest part of 
the profits divisible according to the provisions of the deed, are to be 
divided among the assured for life ; every person assured by a policy of 
four years’ standing being entitled to participate, The amount of profit : 
to be added to the policy, or applied in reduction of the annual pre- 
At the first septennial division in January, 1832, a bonus amounting 
on an average to 33 per cent on the premiums paid was declared. 
Persons subject to such deviations from the common standard of 
health as do not essentially tend to shorten life may be assured upon 
paying a premium proportioned to the hazard. 
Mixed Company. Established 4.p. 1824. 33, New Bridge-street, Blackfriars. 
"Two-thirds of such profits as shall septennially be declared divisible 
will be apportioned among the assured for the whole term of life, and : 
may be applied to the reduction of the future annual premiums, or to 
the increase of the sum assured as may be desired. 
The following bonuses have been assigned to all policies of at least 
three years’ standing, effected for the whole duration of life :— 
First division in 1832, from 18s. to £2 12s. per cent per annum on 
the sums assured, varying with the age, being equivalent, on the average, 
to 26% per cent on the premiums paid. 
Second division, in 1839, from upwards of £1 to upwards of £3 per

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