Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

{ may pe cent per annum on the sums assured, or, on the average, 33 per cent 
2 Ha on the premiums paid for the preceding seven years. 
rd Premiums may be paid in a limited number of annual sums instead 
pro of by annual payments for the whole of life ; the policy continuing to 
mh participate in profits after the payment of such premiums has ceased. 
of year, 
th of the EAGLE. 
Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1807. 3, Crescent, New Bridge-street. 
i) a At the end of every seven years the full value of each existing claim 
is determined, its amount retained, and the surplus apportioned. Four- 
fifths of the profits are allotted to the assured to be added to the policy, 
or applied in diminution of the annual premiums. Distinct tables for 
female life. Increasing rates of premium. 
Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1823. 34, New Bridge-street, Blackfriars. 
One-fourth of the present profits appropriated to the shareholder and 
the remaining three-fourths to the assured at the expiration of every 
- fifth year. 
Ee When a profit of £200,000 shall have been realized the shareholders 
ie. var will be paid off ; and thenceforth the entire profits will be divided 
3 among’ the policy-holders. 
ar A division of profits was declared up to the end of 1833, which 
| amounted on an average to £16 per cent upon the premiums paid, 
either to be added to the policies, or applied in reduction of annual 
premiums ; and on the 23rd of March, 1839, a second bonus was de- 
clared, amounting to £31 per cent on the premiums paid during the 
preceding five years. 
re Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1823. 11, King William-street., 
Participating and non-participating scales. 
At the first investigation (in August, 1835) a bonus of two-thirds of 
the Company’s savings was allotted to the assured, varying from 20 to 
38 per cent on the premiums paid. But, from the increase of the 
Company’s business, and the consequently diminished risk to the pro- 
prietors, it was resolved that at next septennial investigation (31st 
August, 1842), and in future, one-fifth only should be transferred to the 
guarantee fund, and the remaining four-fifths of the profits allotted to the 
Profits may be applied in reduction of the annual premiums or in 
i addition to the sum assured. 
4 JVerl: 

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