Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1839. 147, Strand. 
The rates of premium have been constructed on the principle of 
affording to assurers in this office the option of either securing a fixed 
sum, or having it increased by a participation in the profits. By adopt- 
ing the participating scale of rates, those who are assured for the whole 
term of life will derive the advantage of participating in the septennial 
division of the profits of the association, in the proportion of two-thirds to 
the assured and one-third to the proprietary. 
Assurances may also be effected upon payment of a portion of the 
usual premiums, by the parties paying interest upon the balance re- 
Individuals possessing real or personal property—officers in the army 
and navy—clergymen——professional men—merchants—tradesmen—and 
persons of respectability and character, may, if assured in this office, 
obtain advances for periods varying from three months to any other 
specified period ; and in amounts of £50 and upwards, upon the follow- 
ing securities :— 
Upon_ freehold and leasehold property in England, and the corre- 
sponding description of property in Scotland, either to be assigned, or 
deposited upon equitable mortgage ; upon reversions, annuities, pen- 
sions, or any other description of assignable property or income, of 
adequate value. 
Upon personal security, by the borrower procuring two or more re- 
sponsible sureties to join him in a bond, or other security for repayment, 
and on condition of the life of one of the obligants being assured. 
Upon the security of policies effected by parties with this association, 
according to the value at the time of the loan. 
By allowing the assured to retain a portion of their premiums at 
Mutual Assurance Company. Established 4.p. 1762. 
New Bridge-street, Blackfriars. 
Prior to the establishment of the Equitable in Sept. 1762, no office 
for granting life assurances existed which deduced the premiums payable 
thereon from scientific principles, This office at its commencement 
was supplied by Mr. Dodson with tables of premiums calculated from 
the probabilities of life according to the mortality in London for 20 
years. This term for greater security included the year 1740, when 
the mortality was almost equal to a plague, so that the premiums were 
higher than they ought to have been according to the ordinary rate of ’ 
mortality in London itself. In 1776, in consequence of its having been 
ascertained that the probabilities of life in the society had been higher > 
than those in Mr, Dodson’s Table, from which its premiums were com- 

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