Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

eed two. 
after the 
& to the TABLE showing the Addition to be made to each Sum of £100, assured by Tun 
en 1810 EquirasLe Sociery, when it shall become a Claim, agreeably to Orders of 
to lst if General Courts, holden in the Years 1782, 1786, 1791, 1792, 1795, 1800, 1809, 
¢ Ist of 1819, 1829, and 1839. 
tse of 
ftrength i Hor 5 
Q ASSURANCE, » 4 on 
fev br 1782. | 1786.| 1791] 1792. | 1795. | 1500: 1809. 1819. | 1829.] 1839. | 
: & 
als fm em ee fe ee |e | ee | fe fe | 
‘Before Mav 1 £3. dL 5.4L s.d.|£ s. dL s.d.1L 5.d.|£ 5.) £ 5] £5. £ 5s] £ s. 
ane a ay 3 Sumy 10 0/ 900/150 0320 0/19 0 0[48 0 0{82 10{107 10|159 0157 10/637 0 
HEHE 3 22 1779/4 10 0 70 0/13 0 0/28 0 0/17 0 0|44 0 0/77 10{102 10/153 0]152 10/592 © 
red 1784) .. | 200, 8001800120 0/3400[65 0] 90 0/138 0/140 0]507 © 
: 1785 .. | 100/ 700/160 0/11 00/320 0/62 10| 87 10/135 0|137 10/489 10} 
I 1786] .. «« | 600[1400/1000300 0/60 0] 85 0/132 01135 0/472 0° 
vo 187K. .» '500/1200¢{ 900/230 0/5710} 82 10/129 0132 10/455 10 
: 1788 .. .» 4001000 800/2600/55 0] 80 ©¢i26 0/130 0/439 0 
bi 1789) .. .. 300 800/ 700240052 10) 77 10]123 0|127 10/492 10 
1790) .. .. 200/600/600/2200{30 0f 75 0120 0{125 0/406 0 
: ap 17911 .. v 100 400 500/20 0047 10] 72 10/117 0/122 10/389 10 
: 17921 .. he .. 1200/400{1800/45 0] 70 0[1120{120 0/373 0! 
dit 1793" .. ve | .. 1300]16 00/42 10] 67 10(111 0{117 10/357 10, 
i 1594, .. = ov | +. 200/1400/40 0] 65 0/108 0115 0[2d44 0 
from t 1795! .. : a .. 1 100[12 00/37 10; 62 10|105 0|112 10/330 10, 
1796 | et ce ev ae f +. |1000/35 0 go 0|102 0{110 0|317 © 
ed with, 7971... .. .. | .. | 8006/3210 5710 99 0/107 10/304 i0 
- 1798 .. re o i . | 60030 0,55 0] 960/105 0/292 0 
wo-thir : 1799 .. Rs i S .. | 4002710 5210] 93 0[102 10/279 10 
) 1800 .. - - - .. 1200/25 0 50 0] 90 0[{100 0|267 0 
wo were isola. fol RT. (92 relay 10dksT of 97 101258 10 
and psoz: INR. BF. BRC BW LC loo “olab ‘ofisd o] 95 Tol2ie of 
paymep 1803) .. - ox cope ve 17 10; 42 10| 81 0] 92 10(233 10 
a 1804; .. . ve ar wi .» 115 0] 40 6] 78 0] 90 0/223 0 
1805] .. ee . . i - jiz 1¢| 87 10| 75 0| 87 10/212 10] 
ete their 1806) .. “a a 5, .. [10 0] 35 0/720] 85 0/202 0! 
: 1807| .. - - | 7 10] 32 10] 69 0! 82 10/191 10} 
ml, the , 1808 .. oi 5 0] 30 0] 66080 081 0 
fBefore the 8th ° pe a rol 
aw EG $1809 ha .. BY 2 10! 27 10] 63 0’ 77 10{170 10 
1On or after 8th 9 “pl 
,? Ik } 180¢ 2 or © we 2710] €30177 10/168 0 
1810, .. e Fy : .. 25 0/600] 75 0/160 0 
in Isai, WF ” ce LL. 2210] 57 0] 72 10{152 « 
1812 .. EL he : co 20 0] 540] 70 0/144 « 
1313), be - =e oe .. 1710] 51 0! 67 10/136 
1814 .. ie ve RES, a .. 15 0/480 65 0/128 ¢ 
1815 .. «oR: & .. 1210| 450 6210{120 © 
1816 .. 5 4s : . 10 ol 420 60 0/112 0 
Date of Assurance. 
Policy No. From 
1817 1to 164 Jan. 11817 to April 241817) .% (Dec. 31,1831] 20 0] 20 0 
1818| 165 to 660 Apr.241817to Apr. 161818) £.8 | Dec. 31, 1832| 17 10] 17 10 
1819] 66101019 Apr. 181818to Feb. 4 HH S73 ; | Dec. 31,1833 15 0| 15 0 
1820 102] to 1413 Feb. 51819 to Jan, 31820 = § J Dec. 31, 1834| 12 10] 12 10 
1820 1415 to 1856 Jan. 71820 to Dec. 221820 (ES =} Dec. 31, 1835 10 0] 10 0! 
1821 1857 to 2245 Dec.231820 to Nov. 30 1821 £7 £ ' Dec. 31,1836 7 10| 7 10? 
1822 2247 t0 2699 Dec. 11821to Mar. 71823 E£Z Dec.31,18% 5 0 5 0! 
1823 and 1824/2700 to 3082 Mar.7 1823 to May 241824) 2.4 Dec. 31.1838 2 101 2 10 
* If the Policy is dated on or after the 1st of May, the whole Addition, prior to 
1801, will be £2 less than it is stated to be in the last column. 

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