Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

TABLE showing the Rate per Cent at which Tur EquirasLe Sociery will pur- - 
chase Additions to the Claims until 1st of Jan. 1840, provided the price of the 3 per 
cent Consols shall not fall below £80 per cent. - 
Age.’ Value. Vin Value. J age] Value. fi Value, 
7 Ss. dd £8. d Ls d £ 5 d 
15 3111 5 | 36 42 15. 4 157 |. 5813 1 75 5880. G 2 
16 32 4 2 37 43 8 0 § 58 89°11 0 79 8 1 5 
17 | 3216 9 38 44 0 11 59 60.9.2 130 82 2406 
18 33. 86 39 44 14 2 | 60 61.7 9 18 83 3 3 . 
19 3319 5 40 45 7 11 61 62 6 6 82 84 2 [1 
20 34 9 9 41 46 1 8 }62 63 5 7 83 83 10 
21 3419 0 42 46 15 6 63 64 5 3 [84 85 14 9 
22 35 7 11 }43 47. 9.5 644 65 5 4 1% 86: 7 5 
23 35 16 11 44 48 3 8 65 66 6 0 | 86 86 19 0 
24 36 6 1 945 4818 2 |l661 67 7 0 [87 8 910 
25 36 15 6 46 49 13 1 67 68 8 4 1&8 87:19 .1 
26 87 5:3 147 50 8 5 68 69.10 0 {89 8811 9 
27 3715 0 | 48 51 4 2 69 70.11 9 390 8% 7 10 
28 38 5 1 49 520 4 170, 7113 9 1g] 9% 9 8 
29 38156 6 | 50 5216 7 | 7213 ‘9 §92 91 13 0 
30 39 6 0 §51 5312 6 172) 7317 8 {93 $219 5 
31 39 17 0 | 52 54 8 6 73 7419 5 § 94 94 2 3 
32 40 8 1 }§ 53 85 410 ,74 76 0 9 195 95 4 7 
33 40 19 5 54 58-1 5 75 77. 1 4 
34 41. 41:1 | 63 56 18 4 76 78 0 9 
35 423 1 56 87:95" 7 . 77 78 A 90 
* Mixed Company. Established 4.0. 1819. 10, Chatham-place. 
At the end of every seven years the assured for the whole term of life 
have an addition allotted to the sums insured by their respective policies, 
calculated on the amount of premiums paid thereon. 
Parties may arrange to pay their premiums by annual, half-yearly, 
or quarterly payments. 
Mixed Company. Established a.n. 1835. 12, Chatham-place. 
This society contracts to provide a sum of money to each child horn 
after marriage on attaining the age of 14 or 21 years. 
Life assurances granted at participating and non-participating rates. 
Four-fifths of the profits to the assured. The first division to take 
place in 1845, and afterwards annually, according to the average of the 
six preceding years and the current year. Profits to be applied in re- 
duction of premium or increase of the sum assured. 
Proprietary Company. Established a.p. 1840. 346, Strand. 
One-tenth of the profits will be appropriated to such agricultural ob- 
jects as the Directors mav deem most deserving or most expedient :

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