Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

"il pu another tenth to be reserved as a rest to add to the capital stock, and 
ener the remaining four-fifths annually divided among the shareholders. The 
agricultural objects at present suggested are, a provision for decayed farm- 
ers, to aid in the formation of farmers’ clubs, and the distribution of 
prizes to agricultural labourers. To whatever objects the profits may be 
applied, the distribution will be placed at the disposal of the country 
Ascending and descending scales. 
One-half the premiums or policies for the whole of life may remain 
unpaid for five years. 
Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1839. 11, Waterloo-place. 
One-tenth of the profits applied to purposes connected with free- 
Participating and non-participating members. 
The whole of the profits arising from assurances amongst participators 
divided amongst the assured after deducting the expenses of manage- 
ment, and the above tenth for charitable purposes. 
Parties assured will be allowed to leave half their premiums unpaid 
for the first five years, on payment of interest at £5 per cent. 
Proprietary Company. Established a.p. 1803. Pall Mall and Cornhill. 
iT Assurances may be effected to the extent of £10,000 on a single life. 
a Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1821. 11, Lombard-street. 
Persons assured for the term of life will be entitled at the end of 
every seven years to one moiety of the profits of the Company, after a 
deduction of such sum per annum for the guarantee of the capital as the 
directors may think reasonable, the extent of which is however limited 
TE by the deed of settlement. 
oo The profits may be received in ready money, or applied either in 
addition to the policy, or in reduction of the future premiums, provided 
ges, such option be declared in writing three calendar months after the profits 
take shall have been declared ; if such option be not declared the profits will 
eae be added to the policies. 
d inv 
Mutual Assurance Company. Established A.p. 1836. 
1, New Bridge-street, Blackfriars. 
The entire profits to be divided annually, after 1842, among the as- 
sured, by adding to the policy or diminishing the premiums. Loans on 
» two-thirds of the value of the policy after five years’ standing, Par-

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