Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

el vitiated by suicide, so far as any other person or persons shall have a 
bond fide interest by assignment or equitable lien. 
The following is a specimen table of bonuses added to policies of 
£1000 each, which had been in force during the first ten years of the 
existence of the society, and declared up to the 31st of Dec. 1840. 
ly, and - a. 
Age at Com- Bonus. 
16: Simm mencement. 
20 316 
25 325 
30 338 
35 359 
40 391 
45 431 
50 483 
. 55 553 
60 681 
65 E85 
Policies are purchased for a sum of money payable immediately ; or 
by grant of a new policy without any further annual premium, for a 
sum to be agreed upon, payable at the decease of the life assured ; and 
Nov the person to whom such new policy is granted will be entitled in 
x respect thereof to participate in the periodical divisions of the profits. 
3 Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1836. 10, Fleet-street. 
Four-fifths of the profits to the assured to be added to the policy, or 
applied in reduction of the premium, or the present value given in 
money or applied to the extinction of premiums after a certain period. 
Loans on policies. Lives assured wherever resident. First division 
at the end of ten years from the commencement of the society; after- 
wards every seven years. Participating and non-participating rates. 
Mixed Assurance Company. Established a.p, 1836. 
ngst Adelaide-place, London Bridge, 
has Bonus of two-thirds of the profits every five years to be added to the 
i . policy, or applied in reduction of the premium. Yearly, half-yearly, 
ge” and quarterly premiums. 
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