of a person when admitted on the policy shall not Le afterwards dis-
puted. The directors will dispense, in special cases, with personal
attendance at the society’s office.
Persons assured in this office may reside in any part of Europe; and
may proceed, in time of peace, in decked vessels and steam-boats,
throughout the whole of Europe, without paying any additional pre-
mium, or without permission of the directors for that purpose. Assur-
ances may be effected in cases of peculiar or extraordinary risks, by the
payment of an adequate premium.
Although the death of a person who has effected an assurance on his
own life should have occurred by duelling, by suicide, or by the hands
of justice, the value of the policy on the day preceding his death will be
paid to his legal representatives.
Assurances may be effected for the whole period of life, or for a stipu-
lated number of years, by a single payment; or premiums may be paid
by yearly, half-yearly, or quarterly instalments. By the payment of an
extra premium during the early periods of life, the subsequent payments
may be reduced. All premiums must be paid within thirty days after
they become due.
The assured may participate in the profits of the society to the extent
of two-thirds, either by periodical additions to their policies, or by
diminishing their annual premiums. Those not wishing to participate
in the profits may assure on a lower scale of premiums.
- The society will advance money upon freehold and leasehold pro-
perty, reversions, or other available security ; or upon personal security,
consisting of the bond of the borrower and two sureties, accompanied by
an adequate amount of assurance. Such loans may be effected for three
months, or any other specified period.
Mixed Assurance Company. Established an. 1835. 3, Princes-street, Bank.
Participating and non-participating rates.
After the first five years a reduction will be made from the surplus
capital to assurers upon the participating scale upon the sixth and
future annual payments.
Mixed Assurance Company. Hstablished A.p. 1836. King William-street.
A bonus of four-fifths of the profits declared every five years to be
added to the policy, or applied in reduction of the premiums.
Established a.n. 1834. 37, Old Jewry.
The whole of the profits are divided without any reserve amongst the