Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1830. 2, King William-street. 
ro An estimate of the profits was made up to the 31st of December, 1834, 
Ww the Society having been established five years, when one-fifth of the 
mal same was divided as follows : viz, 
Assur Two-thirds amongst the assured for the whole term of life who had 
8 by the been so assured for the full period of five years, and one-third to the 
eon his When the number of participators shall amount to 1000, no more 
he han. shall be admitted, except as policies fall in, when the next in rotation 
h will be shall succeed. 
0 be Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1837. 26, Cornhill. 
on Assurances effected by a limited number of payments, on a gradually 
parma: increasing or decreasing scale, or by rates varying every five or ten 
das after years, and terminable or not at the option of the assured. 
The assured will have the option of converting his policy, at any time, 
he extent into the following uses, viz. 
i or Into an immediate payment of its present value. 
itticiinte Into a new policy, without any further premium, payable at his death, 
equal in present value to his original policy. 
i - Into an annuity of equivalent value. 
Into a security on which he may borrow equal to two-thirds of his 
i payments. 
i tee In the event of negligence or inability to continue the annual pre- 
mium, by which his policy would become forfeited, his representatives 
will, nevertheless, receive from the society at his death, in addition to 
any bonus assigned during the continuance of the payments, two-thirds 
t. Bank. of all payments made after the first five years. 
The assured may at any time act upon the loan fund to the extent, as 
before, of two-thirds of his payments as a cash credit, upon giving no- 
S ps tice to the office or agent at each branch of the society. 
ath aad : 
The sum borrowed may be for a permanent or temporary period ; but 
irregularity in the payment of interest subjects the loan to be recalled. 
Two-thirds of the profits estimated annually after the first three or 
five years, will be divided amongst those assured for life, on a partici- 
oo pating scale of the society, and the profits of the guarantee fund, in- 
ars fo be vested in reversionary and other interests, will be estimated in each 
Each bonus, at the option of the assured, will be paid in money, or 
applied to the reduction of the future premiums, or an equivalent added 
to the policy. 
Each branch will be entitled to a separate bonus, founded upon a cal- 
culation of its success, 

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