Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

When a claim on the society becomes vested in the widow or younger 
children of the assured, a special bonus will be added to the policy on 
its payment. 
The society also grants deferred annuities, and states in the prospectus 
that the plan proposed will embody several essential objects. 
To secure an increased provision for old age out of a given saving, by 
applying it exclusively to the purchase of a deferred annuity. 
To render the purchase of a protection in sickness unnecessary, by 
enabling the purchaser of a deferred annuity to withdraw or borrow 
two-thirds of his previous payments, 
By the use of two-thirds of all his payments when required, to limit 
misfortune and want of employment, and extend the power of product- 
iveness by an increasing command, in each year, of capital, so that, 
while providing for old age, each successive contribution renders him 
more secure against present misfortune. 
To afford, at the age at which the deferred annuity would commence, 
without reference to his then state of health, the option of receiving, 
instead of his annuity, its value in money, according to the value fixed 
on the contract, or a larger sum payable at his death. 
In the event of death before the age at which he would be entitled to 
his deferred annuity, to return two-thirds of his payments to his family, 
or such fixed life assurance as may be settled on the contract. 
In all such cases where the power of productiveness fails, either from 
disease or accident, to enable the assured on equal terms to convert his 
deferred annuity into a present annuity. 
Mixed Company. Established 4. p. 1837. Arthur-street West, 
London Bridge. 
Participating and non-participating rates. 
Half the amount of premium may be left as a charge upon the policy 
for five years, at 5 per cent interest. 
Mutual Assurance Company. Established a. n. 1835. 13, Nicholas-lane. 
The whole of the profits of this institution are divided amongst the 
The whole premiums paid for several of its assurances under certain 
circumstances are returned. 
Mutual Assurance Society. Established a.p. 1808. 
6, Crescent, Bridge-street, Blackfriars. 
This Society is founded on the principle of mutual guarantee, and 
the whole of the surplus premium is added, at stated periods, to the 
policies of the members, in proportion to the sums they have respec- 
tively contributed.

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