Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

The first addition was made on the 28th of June, 1816, when a bonus 
of 20 per cent was declared on the amount of premium deposited by 
the members insured previous to July, 1815, 
The second addition assigned on the 28th of July, 1823, was 24 per 
cent on all premiums deposited prior to July, 1822, making, on the 
payments made previous to July, 1815, a total addition of 44 per cent. 
The third addition was declared on the 29th of August, 1830, and 
: was 25 per cent on all premiums deposited prior to July, 1829, making 
t bgp a total addition of 69 per cent on all insurances effected prior to 1815, 
and of 49 per cent prior to 1822. 
be Tin In case of temporary embarrassment the Society will lend a sum pro- 
] portioned to the value of the policy. 
) The subjoined list exhibits a few of the earlier policies, with the ad- 
ditions thereto. 
Sum Annual | First Second Third ~ Total Claim 
No. Assured. Premium, Bonus. Bonus. Bonus. on the Society. 
£. £i gf d. aE, 2. £iy £. wid. £: - d. 
7 1000 37 15 0 52 16 126 14 198 3 00137713 0 
380 2000 51. 1 SYN? 3 171 12 LAN268 “3 0NNo51] 3 © 
477 1000 62 0 0 | 74 8 193 8 310 0 0 1577 16 0 
1259 1000 74 18 4 1 59 16 197 15 337 2 6 1594 13 6 
1319 2000 88 13 4 70 16 234 0 399 0 . 0WN2703 16510 
1651 2000 75.16 0 N45 4 181 4 320 17 6 2547 5 
1736 3000 117.0; 0 1270 4 280 16 497 5 0G 3848 5 0 
1745 2000 110. 1 S¥866. 10 264 0 467 17 02797 17 0 
po 1946 2500 81 9 29832 8 175 18 325 16 0 3034 2 0 
2012 3000 108. 0 043’ 4 233. 5 432 0 0 3708 9 0 
2470 3000 132 10 0 26 o 254 8 496 17 6 3777 13 6 
3589 4999 323 2 6 465 2 1650 3 0 6514 5 0 
Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1809. 4, New Bank-buildings. 
i DOI] a : . : i 
Participators entitled to two-thirds of the profits, which may be either 
added to the amount assured, or applied to the diminution of premium. 
Premiums may be paid quarterly, half-yearly, or yearlv. Partici- 
pating and non-participating rates. 
- In March, 1838, a bonus was declared of £1 5s. per cent per annum 
on the sum assured. 
t eerie 
Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1836. 1, Moorgate-street. 
Participating and non-participating rates. 
Three-tenths of the profits divided amongst the assured who are en- 
titled to participate. 
A table by which the assured may secure the amount to his repre- 
sentative in the event of his dying before the age of 60, or to himself if 
he attain that age.

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