Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

One-half the premium for the first five years may remain in arrear, to 
be eventually deducted from the sum assured, if not previously paid off, 
together with interest on the sums due. 
Loans at 5 per cent on real or personal security. 
Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1797. 7, Waterloo-place. 
The assured participate in four-fifths of the profits, to be added every 
seventh year to policies effected for the whole term of life on lives not 
exceeding the age of 50 when assured, or the additions may be applied 
in reduction of the premium. 
The following Table shows the additions made to policies for £5000, 
which had been in force for seven complete years, and also for four- 
teen years, to the 31st December, 1838, viz. 
First Bonus Second Bonus Total Additions i 
Age at for Seven Years, ifor Seven Years, for Fourteen Total Sums now 
Conimence- from 1824 from 1831 Years, from 1824 payable, in case 
ment, to 1831. to 1838. to 1838. of Death. ho 
em Oeil ARE @ er = 
10 981 010 305 5 9 586 6 7 5586 6 7 re 
15 338 10 2 342 3.5 G81 2 7WE5681. 9 7 Ci 
20 - 414 11 8 35313 5 768 5 TEES5768 5 1 K 
24 424 15 10 362 6 10 787 2° 8, 5787 2 8 Co 
30 | 433 15 0 380 0 6 81315 6 '581315 6: ju 
Se 447 10 0 406 16 5 854 6 5 5854 6 6 noid 
40 l 477 18 4 445.19 9 92318 1 592318 1' i 
45 512 10 © 498 12 9 1011 2 9 6011 2 '9 VE 4 
50 371 5 8 558.10 7 1129 15 7 612915 7 fica 
The above additions, on an average of all ages from eight to fifty, 
amount to forty-three per cent, or nearly one-half, on the premiums B 
paid during the fourteen years. 
Proportionate sums were also appropriated to policies of smaller . 
amount, and to such as had subsisted for less than seven years; con- 0 
ditionally that, when death occurs, seven annual payments shall have 
been previously made. on 
Mixed Company. Established a.p, 1797. 70, Lombard-street. 
Participating and non-participating rates. 
The assured on the participating scale, after the 3rd of July, 1840, 
to form a separate class ; and at the end of every seven years from that 
date, after a valuation of the outstanding risk in this class, and after a k 
reasonable deduction for charges and management, the then holders of li 
policies, on this scale of premium, will be entitled to not less than a Drofit 
moiety of any surplus that may then appear, to be ascertained and ap- ment 
portioned by the directors; and, thereupon, the holders of policies for fount

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