Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

en, t whole life which have been in force five years, or which shall be after- 
tad of wards continued till they have been in force for that period, shall, at the 
option of the assured (to be declared at the time of effecting the insur- 
ance), be entitled to have the sum that at each septennial valuation may 
be appropriated to their respective policies applied according to either 
of the rules following, viz. :— 
By an immediate payment of the sum so appropriated. 
ed every By an equivalent reduction in the future annual premiums. 
lives nov By an equivalent addition to the amount of the policy, and payable 
- applied therewith. 
23000, Mixed Company. Established a.p. 1826. 9, Chatham-place, Blackfriars. 
Sn Assurers for the whole term of life have the option either of securing 
a fixed sum at death, or of taking out their policies to participate in 
three-fourths of the nett profits of the office, on paying an increased rate 
of premium. 
A division of the profits will take place quinquennially, in such man- 
ner as the board shall consider equitable. The directors having the 
power to reserve a portion of the nett profits, as a rest, whenever they 
may deem it expedient to do so. 
Bonuses accrue on all beneficial policies on which three annual pre- 
miums shall have been paid at the time a division occurs ; and the 
holders of such policies have the option of having their bonuses appor- 
tioned in either of the following ways ; provided a written declaration of 
such option be lodged at the office within three calendar months imme- 
diately after the division takes place: — 
By an immediate payment in money. 
t to fift By the addition of an equivalent reversionary sum to the policy; or 
eq by the issue of a distinct policy for the bonus. 
By an equivalent reduction in the future annual premiums. 
of smaller If no election be made within three months, the bonus will be applied 
ars; o0- in augmentation of the policy. 
all have The lives of persons afflicted with diseases not immediately fatal ; of 
officers in the army and navy; and of such as are going beyond the 
limits of the continent of Europe, are also assured at commensurate 
aly, 1840, Mixed Company. Established a.n. 1833. 36, Old Jewry. 
rom tht Participating, non-participating, increasing, and decreasing rates. 
nd alter 3 The affairs of the society are investigated every five years, and the 
holders profits, including the dividends on the invested capital, and after pay- 
ss (han 3 ment of expenses, interest to the proprietors, &c., are then divided, three- 
ol md fourths being appropriated to all existing assurances effected on the 
[ime 107 

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