Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

8 of and 
| Enrolled under the Friendly Societies Acts. Established a.p. 1841, 
10, King William-street. 
The funds of the Benefit department are raised by quarterly, half- 
yearly, or yearly contributions, to secure to members the following bene- 
fits, to all or any of which they are at liberty to subscribe, viz. :— 
A provision for the payment of a sum of money, of not less than £50, 
nor exceeding £500, at the decease of a member. 
A provision for a deferred annuity of not less than £10, nor exceeding 
£50 per annum, to commence at not less than 55 years of age, and to 
y continue for the remainder of life. 
ge A provision for a similar annuity to the above, the whole of the pre- 
"2 } cer miums to be returned, without interest, in the event of the member’s 
death before attaining the specified age. 
A provision for an endowment for children, not exceeding £500, on 
attaining the respective ages of 14 or 21 years. 
free. A provision for a similar endowment, the whole of the premiums to 
be returned, without interest, in the event of the decease of the party 
‘ before attaining the age agreed on. 
A provision for an immediate annuity not exceeding £50. 
A provision for the payment of a sum of money, of not less than £50, 
nor exceeding £500, at the death of A, provided B be then living. 
A provision for the payment of a sum of money, of not less than £50, 
nor exceeding £500, at the decease of the first of two parties. 
The profits derived from this department, after defraying expenses of 
management, will be appropriated as follows, every five years, viz. ;— 
One-third will be placed to the account of the Benevolent F und, and two- 
terlv, a thirds will be equitably divided, by addition to the policies, a reduction 
in future premiums, or a bonus, amongst such members as have been 
ourchased assured five years, retaining only such portion of the profits as may be 
deemed requisite to form a reserved fund. 
Clerks of the ages of 15 years and upwards (upon the usual certifi- 
cates) will be admitted members by availing themselves of any of the 
above benefits, and on paying an admission fee of half-a-guinea, to be 
¢ Geed the appropriated towards the expenses of management: such members will 
\t the end be entitled to all the advantages derivable from the Benevolent Fund. 
Re eT Persons (not being clerks) desirous of effecting assurances with this 
oroportion association may do so (upon the usual certificates), but such persons 
ge pice will not be required to pay any admission fee, nor will they be entitled to 
genre” participate in any of the advantages derivable from the Benevolent Fund. 
\ die A. book will be kept in which such members as are out of employment 
may enter, in their own writing, their name, age, and former employers, 
WT together with the nature of the employment they are seeking. This hook 
= = will be open for the gratuitous inspection of merchants, bankers, and 
- others, requiring clerks.

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